Modern MBT has play an important role in today's military, especially in land conflict. However, in Taiwan's scenario, obtaining new MBT would be hard and impractical. The northern part of Taiwan is mostly highlands and city, and from the experience in Iraq, Capable MBT, such as the Abrahams are having little impact on the war itself. MBT in urban scenario are use solely as fire support. In terms of fire support, the 105mm rifle gun from Taiwan's M60A3 is sufficent. In the southern part of Taiwan, the terrain is mostly jungle and swampland. Which is a major disadvantage for armored vehicles. Taiwan is also too small for operating big modern MBT such as the Abramhams. Its heavy weight, (69.54Tons) can also be damaging when operating on the road, which would certainly damaged the road and slow down other vehicles, such as transport. Unlike Europe and the Middle East, where vast amount of dessert and plain are excellent terrain for MBT engagement, there is no major plains or dessert in Taiwan, which is why, Taiwan has yet to obtain any new MBT fitted with 120mm gun. China is unlikely to use Type 99 during the conflict, due to its expensive unit price and incapability in fighting urban/scenario, since most MBT are prone to Anti tank weapon in urban battlefields. China would most likely employ type 96 and Type 63 for beach landing. Taiwan understands that the moment PLA forces landed on Taiwan, Taiwan is doom, therefore, the RoC government put its focuses on Air Force and Navy, trying to hold on the direct landing of PLA and await US intervention, therefore, obtaining new MBT is impractical. RoCA has a variety of modern anti tank weapon to defeat chinese MBT, also, they might not totally destroy the MBT, they are most likely going to disable type 96.