The US military is loyal to the Constitution. Given that it seems at least a large plurality of active duty military voted for Biden,
What is your source for this? Or are you just basing that on the percentage of population who voted for Biden?
If that is the case, then it is a mistake. Just because slightly more half the voting national population voted for Biden doesn’t mean that percentage split will hold true across all demographics.
Indeed, anecdotally speaking, it seems more likely that more of the military voted for Trump than Biden given the fact that the American volunteer military is largely made up of right wing leaning individuals.
it would be very unwise of Trump and Barr to assume that the at least the National Guard won't be called out by state governors to go and gun down the preppers.
Actually it’s the other way around. It would be unwise in the extreme for a democratic state to deploy the national guard to gun down American civilians. Even if they are gun totting preppers in the middle of a coup.
You are right that the US military is loyal above all to the US constitution, and to deploy the national guard in direct combat against American civilians in a police action would be widely seen as an egregious violation of numerous US laws (like Posse comitatus) if not the constitution itself.
Indeed, the only realistic scenario where you might have regular active duty US troops deployed for combat operations on US soil would be in such a scenario where states first deployed their own national guard to fight US civilians on US soil.
If Trump was smarter, it would not be hard to see him trying to trick the Democrats into making exactly this move to provide him the pretext and justification he needs to order the US military into combat on US soil to eliminate his political enemies.
Short of such an outrage, if Trump ordered the US military to fight on American soil, the military will most likely declare the order unconstitutional and illegal and refuse to obey.
But if the democrats are seen to have crossed that most fundamental of red lines first, I think the US military will be much more ready and willing to follow Trump’s orders to fight on US soil, since they will see that as defending the constitution and fellow citizens against the democrats states who crossed the line first.
This might all seem far fetched, but we need to remember who we are dealing with here and what he is saying right now.
Yes, Trump does say a lot of stupid shit, but the scary thing about him is that he isn’t all bluster. He has done a lot of the things he said that people thought was crazy rants at first throughout his presidency. As such I think it would be unwise to dismiss his statements, claims and threats out of hand.
Remember Trump’s building-sizes ego and his near pathological obsession with winning and desperate fear and hate of loosing.
Given those psychological traits and his many personality flaws, it is entirely possible that he is in total denial and actually believes the BS he is saying about him winning and Biden ‘stealing’ the election.