For my entire life, I have heard Dems/Repubs bash China on environment, stealing jobs, stealing tech, Tibet, Xinjiang, Taiwan, etc....
This type of rhetoric is normal stuff in Dem/Repub, especially around election time.
Biden's "Bark" is worse than his "Bite", meaning his anti-China rhetoric is more for domestic consumption purposes.
Is Biden going to continue TPP-style passive containment of China? Of course, and that's bad for China. Hopefully RCEP, BRICS, OBOR, AIIB, and SCO can be strong enough to counter it.
My point is, don't take his anti-China rhetoric at face-value, it sounds worse than in reality. He has so much internal domestic shit to figure out, he isn't going to have time to effectively deal with China. He is probably looking for a quick way to declare victory over China in trade deal and move on.