I am not saying China purposely spreading the virus they just didn't try too hard to stop it from spreading to the world either, why do you think in the beginning China ban all travel domestically but not for Chinese leaving the country, trump himself said it also
yea and look what it's led to in terms of US-China relations.
Obama wasn't easy on China either, he got a lot more done against China than Trump.
And do look out for the Senate and House election results. We might end up with a primarily republican US government with a democrat Mask.
The real test has just begun. Unlike Trump, Biden knows statescraft. He is a politician first and foremost who has seen the Cold War rage and end.
Biden is many things but he isn't incompetent. He knows his stuff. And that is dangerous.
Mark Esper says: " First, one of our top ten goals – the priority that drives and underlies many of our efforts today – is to focus the Department on China. ..... I also directed the National Defense University to refocus its curriculum by dedicating 50 percent of the coursework to the PRC, and I tasked the Military Departments and Services to make China the pacing threat in all of our schools, programs, and training."
In the short term, it did hurt China but in the long run (even right now) it will do far more damage to America then anything that Obama has done prior), what with getting China to be more independent from the USA in terms of technology, making China realise that the USA is untrustworthy (my parents in law worshipped the USA until recently, now they complete wised up) and has done untold damage to the USA economic sector that it is going to be quite impossible to fix (the deficit has going up greatly and the USA dollar is tanking as of now). So all in all, while Pompeo did a lot of things to China, it is certainly ended helping China more in the long run to making them more aware of America’s intentions so that it can be planned for accordingly. So in reality, given that China’s economy is the only one growing right now, Pompeo could ultimately be written of the the man that awoke China up and gave them the drive that I doubt they would get if Obama is still leading. The USA has woke the dragon and now the dragon is watching them burn their own House down while waiting for the perfect opportunity to swallow themI would characterize Obama's Pivot to Asia as "passive soft containment".
Okay, let's compare Obama's Pivot to Asia results:
I would characterize Trump/Mike Pompeo's focus on China as "aggressive mafia-style containment": The results:
- Extra 1,200 US troops in Darwin, Australia.
- +10% balance in naval warships in Asia-Pacific, so 60-40 balance
- TPP treaty that failed to materialize.
- US freedom of navigation (FoN) violation of Chinese EEZ in Spratlys/SCS.
- Mediocre increase in friendly relations in "usual" suspects (KOR/JPN/TW/PH/VN)
Objectively speaking, the Trump/Pompeo combo did more damage in total dollar terms against China than all 8 years of Obama's passive containment.
- THAAD deployment in Southern Korea, deep radar into Manchuria
- $2.4 Billion Arms deal to Taiwan, including F-16V with AESA radars and offensive missiles.
- Imposition of American citizens on ZTE Board of Directors
- Declare 10-25% tariffs on $550 Billion dollars of Chinese-made goods
- Harassment of Chinese Tech, including wholesale ban on Google ecosystem to Huawei, ASML EUVL to SMIC, TikTok/WeChat ban.
- Blocking Huawei 5G in North America, most of Europe, and parts of Asia/Oceania, including proposed stripping of 5G Huawei patents.
- Reformation of QUAD alliance with JPN/IN/AUS/US
- Infiltration of Hong Kong and Xinjiang with subversion operations to undermine Chinese sovereignty
I'd argue that Mike Pompeo is infinitely more competent and dangerous than Biden or Susan Rice.
Trump just says YES to whatever Mike Pompeo whispers in his ears, and Pompeo is former CIA Director, he is more cunning and clever and devious than Biden times 1000.