The US and its allies only see China's Belt and Road as making money from other countries to build their infrastructure. The West is already having trouble getting countries to isolate China certainly on the economic front. Meaning unless they're going to give out free money that these countries would lose or force countries to not do business with China, these countries are going to want to do business with China in order to have that lavish lifestyle the West tries to tease the world into following them. Building infrastructure is about jump starting economic activity in order to make money. You think these countries will not want to do business with China? All of the West complaining about trade issue is all about how they don't have enough money for themselves to maintain the lifestyles they're use to. Does anyone think they can afford to give money for free to these countries to counter China? No. The West didn't develop these countries because they didn't see any value. Now they're interested only because China is bothering. They're going to go bankrupt like the Soviet Union did trying to catch up and stay in pace with the US but here it's the West trying keep up with China. And how does the West building this infrastructure a lose for China? They're going to spending the money to build infrastructure that China doesn't have to. The West is so blinded that they only see infrastructure. They don't see beyond that. So again unless the US is going to pay or force these countries not to do business with China, it only helps China's ultimate goals. It's the US that doesn't want just any country to develop. The more rich people get, the more independent they become. So let the West build infrastructure to counter China because the more independent countries, the better. The only way they're not going to be independent and instead dependent on the West is to pay them off with money the West doesn't have or deny them sovereignty. China wins.