China should NEVER start a nuclear war and should always maintain no first use. However, it MUST reach parity (if not slightly surpass) in ICBM numbers, warheads, yield, and variety in delivery methods with not just the US, but also Russia. It must also develop the ABM capabilities (extremely urgent) to intercept India's Agni series ballistic missiles and destroy its small nuke arsenal with standoff precision weapons. It is also why I have always argues that China should develop small-sized standoff cruise missile akin to the JASSM-ER (but capable of carrying both conventional and low-yield nuclear warheads like neutron bombs) that can be launched from fighter-sized platforms like J-16 and J-20. Only then would China be in a position to take on Taiwan and India in a two-front conventional war (and deter the US from escalating into nuclear).The US and the West are seriously deluded. China needs to deliver them a shock treatment in order to wake them up (and their puppets)
I suggest detonating 6 nuclear warheads on the edge of South China Sea, East China Sea, and in the Pacific Ocean, when China would start the Taiwan unification process
No need to hit anything, just detonate them at the middle of the ocean. IMO this would send a strong message to the West to not underestimate China's willingless to take back Taiwan
(If you want to deliver a shock treatment to the Anglos, maybe carpet bomb Dharamshala and its inhabitants (His Holiness included) with thermobaric ordinances, since the Anglos have such a fetish for Tibet. Make them hurt and feel powerless by deliberately brutalizing whom they fetishize yet incapable of defending. Then publicly humiliate them by calling out their unwillingness for to defend the Tibetan gov't in exile as an example of their small MUTE...)