The best revenge is to live well. Perfectly achievable without needing Western respect and acceptance. Yes there will be problems along the way but none of them will be solved with Western respect and acceptance. I want China to put up a Great Wall of Middle Fingers. It will piss-off all the right people and it's not a crime. The problem is there are still Chinese that value Western respect and acceptance. What does it get you? Is the West going hand over all their secrets and money because they trust you so much now in having it. No it's the same superficial value as when Japan and South Korea and every other lesser Asian country brags that the US likes them more than China. And are they the No.2 power in the world and having No.1 worry over their position? So what is it worth?
I agree, its best not to plan some stupid life long terrorist plan to do something that is something out of a Hollywood film, its best to live well and do what is right. In the end, God will sort out the mess that is America, if America can redeem itself, fine but if God decides to punish America, also fine since as long as I can do something that will help the world become a better place, either path in the world is ok with me. If China ends up dominating and changing the world, then I can marvel and be proud of there achievements, but if China doesn't dominate and is quite content with living as equals in the new world, then I still can be happy at how far they come.
What I can say is the all actions have consequences and I believe that the western world is going to discover that not everything is going to go there way forever, but I have no intend of preaching to any government about their shortcomings, it is their own job to sort themselves out.