Biden team is asking Asian countries to commit economic suicide and potentially material suicide by going to war.
For what a declining empire that is broke as fuck.
We're not yet at the point where the US is bankrupt.
You don't need foreign relationship degree or be a geopolitical expert to make the same conclusions as those Asian nations.
Wouldn't be surprised that japan will function as a UK in Asia, Japan is too big to exclude from regional deals
but its also too small to be a pushing China or the other bigger players around.
Japan is a nice to have for a regional deal, but it's not essential.
Remember China is 3-5x bigger, depending on how you measure things.
India will be like a sort of Israel in Asia a soft underbelly easily punctured to wound the landmass.
The west can logistically supply weapons and gear to their mercenaries in central Asia via India.
India already has its own Palestine with Kashmir troubles and its own Muslim citizens.