North Carolina & Iowa has vote difference less than 100000
I am not surprised, the media likes to think that Biden has a chance, but nope, the American people simply enjoy being they way they are even though Trump has no solution to the problems of this nation. but if the USA really does go crazy, the the USA's future is be quite bleak. Also note that Trump is interfering with the election process but regardless of if that is the case, Trump will herald the full on decline of the USA which is likely to be a good thing since the USA is long overdue to some serious pain. Another 4 years will be enough time for Trump to bring down the USA into third world status if they are not there already.If Trump wins, we will see the US in a constant state of internal strife with race wars and COVID.
Fuck!Dubya Bush was one of the worst US presidents ever!
Obama sucked he was no good a very bad US president.
Trump, four more years!
That's 24 years straight of real American leadership!
The rise of China was inevitable!!!