Mostly agree with all these picks except for Buttigieg - Quite simply put the man has zero foreign policy experience. I always thought he only got as far as he did in the primaries because the Democrats were milking the woke LGBT card as well as his stint in the military (all be it as a reserve). The last time a US mayor got elected to President was almost 230 years ago, and so he'd almost certainly needs a higher political office if he wanted to mount a firm future challenge for the White House.
I realize Trump picked Nikki Haley for UN Ambassador despite the fact she had minimal foreign policy experience, but let's be honest Trump didn't exactly have a large talent pool that wanted to work for him (won't be the case for Biden), and she was and still is considered a rising star in the Republican party. Despite Haley denying it, she definitely has political ambitions for higher office, and her time as UN Ambassador served as a big fat tick in the box for foreign policy on her resume (basically won her the Jewish vote). Haley was also an outspoken and independent politician, which was how she got the UN Ambassador position elevated to the Cabinet and NSC anyway. That's how I could see Biden picking Buttigieg to UN Ambassador as a way to groom him for higher office. Buttigieg's hypothetical staffing to UN Ambassador would be a complete political appointment, and not on the basis of his experience/competency.
With souring relations between the US, United Nations, and China, I'm just not sure if Biden can afford to staff someone with minimal experience on the international stage to UN Ambassador. Current UN Ambassador Kelly Craft got her way to the position (as well as her previous position as US Ambassador to Canada) by donating to the Republican party, and not because she had any sort of foreign policy experience.... All she does now is throw her toys out the pram when she doesn't have her way in UN meetings. That's why I think Biden would need to pick a more seasoned and experienced candidate (perhaps a former ambassador or diplomat) to the UN Ambassador position in order to mend fences, rebuild America's 'image' on the international stage, and more importantly to 'stand up against China'.
I could see Biden picking Buttigieg for a less important Cabinet position, say HUD or Transport Secretary, if he really wanted to satisfy his political left-leaning base that loves identity politics... But I'm not sure if Buttigieg would accept the nomination. It'd make more sense for Buttigieg to mount a challenge for a Senate/House (work his way onto the Senate/House Foreign Affairs Committee to gain foreign policy experience) or Indiana's Governor (build on his domestic policy track record) position if he wanted to step foot in the White House one day.