UK destroyed the goverment of Persia (1953)
The persian people revolt against the puppet dictator lacay of the West Empire (1979)
The West Empire outsources imperial terror and charges Saddam Hussein to beat up the Persians for their disobedience (1980-1988) By the way Saddam sends a lot of his own population to hell
Saddam Hussein, darling of The West Empire and subcontractor of imperial terror thinks he is important and thinks he can be like their lords and gets into trouble because he begins to think on his own
the Likud calls for the destruction of Iraq
and USA unleash Chaos and Terror to destroy Iraq ... because (1) the Likud and the Likudnists of Washington want it that way and because (2) The West Empire at that time (2000-) has run out of geographic place (Saudi Arabia and Persia) to annoy the Russians
1 + 2 = Iraq_2003