Yes but the ten years in between was extremely valuable. China grew by 6 times in those years. If US had started containment then, China would have been in a far weaker positionNot for lack of trying; the Pivot to Asia was an attempt to really try and contain china but China ended up calling their bluff and now the rest of ASEAN doesn't bother with the SCS and as Duterte pointed out, refuse to be sacrificial lambs for american policymakers.
In 2001 GDP - 1.3 trillion US
2011 GDP - 7.5 trillion
2016 GDP (when non-US TPP was signed) - 11 trillion
TPP would have been the biggest way to contain China, signed 2016. But China was already 11 times bigger than in 2001. Imagine if US took a hard turn towards containing China in 2001, when China was much much smaller then, instead of 2011 and later. That's why USA becoming completely distracted in 2001 was a godsend
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