Let's play Doctor Sigzmund Freud.
Analyzing the dream, President Trump present in the dream indicates an overwhelming presence of US politics in the subject. Also suggesting childhood bouts of indoctrination, perhaps in early grades of school.
That the subject is home in his family home of his childhood, but Trump still appears, indicates the pervasiveness of the proud boys influcencers, and other town hall voices.
The subject being overwhelmed, even in a safe space represented by the home, seeks to be recused. Lui He represented the father figure. For he was the only person who was able to take on Trump in real life and still act like a normal person.
Asking of an autograph by the subject to the father figure, clearly demonstrates the gratitude of the subject of being saved, and it also shows the moral fiber of the subject, even in a dream the subject could not submit to New York City 5th Avenue sleaziness, and Wrestle Mania 23 reruns.
The subject awakes, to purchase a TV, which is a continuation of the dream state, as that transaction of a Chinese made TV purchased from a US chain store. Since the store was not looted by BLM, that has to be taken as a good sign.
Time is up.
Next week's session at the same time.
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