Discussing Biden's Potential China Policy

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Let's play Doctor Sigzmund Freud.

Analyzing the dream, President Trump present in the dream indicates an overwhelming presence of US politics in the subject. Also suggesting childhood bouts of indoctrination, perhaps in early grades of school.

That the subject is home in his family home of his childhood, but Trump still appears, indicates the pervasiveness of the proud boys influcencers, and other town hall voices.

The subject being overwhelmed, even in a safe space represented by the home, seeks to be recused. Lui He represented the father figure. For he was the only person who was able to take on Trump in real life and still act like a normal person.

Asking of an autograph by the subject to the father figure, clearly demonstrates the gratitude of the subject of being saved, and it also shows the moral fiber of the subject, even in a dream the subject could not submit to New York City 5th Avenue sleaziness, and Wrestle Mania 23 reruns.

The subject awakes, to purchase a TV, which is a continuation of the dream state, as that transaction of a Chinese made TV purchased from a US chain store. Since the store was not looted by BLM, that has to be taken as a good sign.

Time is up.

Next week's session at the same time.

Please pay at reception on the way out. Thank you.

:oops: :) :(

Wow, free consultation fees!


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I think ultimately, Biden's advisors matters more than him. He doesn't feel like a leader.

Once his secretary of state and defense and economic people come out then we can see how they will do us Chinese.


Junior Member
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I think ultimately, Biden's advisors matters more than him. He doesn't feel like a leader.

Once his secretary of state and defense and economic people come out then we can see how they will do us Chinese.
All of Bidens picks are from Obama admin. I honestly believe Obama will be running the show . The way he swiftly ended Bernies primary hopes with few phone calls shows how influential he is amongst Dems.


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Moderator - World Affairs
Biden will be too pre-occupied with managing pandemic response, fixing economic recession, healing race-relations in the US to even begin to fixated on whatever trade deficits or IP or whatever with China, much less continuing the tech war and tariff war. After Biden won the Primaries, he barely mentioned China at all. China is not even a top 10 topics for him. His website only has superficial mentioning of China in very broad sense, but typical rhetoric on human rights and stuff like that. That's just token lipservice.

In as so far as he can boost economic confidence, ending the trade war and removing tariffs is a low-hanging fruit he can use to jump-start US economic growth again by encouraging US consumerism. He clearly views the trade war as a disaster. I highly doubt his advisors will see to continue trade war or Cold War 2.0 initiated by Trump/Pompeo/Navarro.


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Biden will be too pre-occupied with managing pandemic response, fixing economic recession, healing race-relations in the US to even begin to fixated on whatever trade deficits or IP or whatever with China, much less continuing the tech war and tariff war. After Biden won the Primaries, he barely mentioned China at all. China is not even a top 10 topics for him. His website only has superficial mentioning of China in very broad sense, but typical rhetoric on human rights and stuff like that. That's just token lipservice.

In as so far as he can boost economic confidence, ending the trade war and removing tariffs is a low-hanging fruit he can use to jump-start US economic growth again by encouraging US consumerism. He clearly views the trade war as a disaster. I highly doubt his advisors will see to continue trade war or Cold War 2.0 initiated by Trump/Pompeo/Navarro.
Like @localizer said, I don't think Biden will be doing any of that... Rather it'll be his advisors and Cabinet. Biden is not a leader, age isn't exactly on his side (nor are his cognitive or intellectual skills for that fact), and I honestly don't think he knows what he signed himself up for. He was thrusted to the democratic ticket in order to win the moderate vote who wouldn't have otherwise voted for Bernie's "democratic socialism", and the Wall Street types definitely don't want to be taxed into high heaven under a Warren administration.


Registered Member
All of Bidens picks are from Obama admin. I honestly believe Obama will be running the show . The way he swiftly ended Bernies primary hopes with few phone calls shows how influential he is amongst Dems.
Obama ended the primary hopes of Bernie?
The Democrat party strategists and godfathers ended Bernie 2020.
Bernie managed to piss off the right people.
He threatened the Wallstreet due to his very aggressive approach to taxation. He pissed off the Democrat centrists by advocating and endorsing "socialism".

There's another factor. Bernie is Jewish. The rise of a Jewish socialism preaching president is enough to create a new tsunami of anti-semitism in the US societies - especially among the right wing republican. Already, there is a strong undercurrent of anti-semitic vitriol linked to MSM, Hollywood, Liberals and City centered cultural centres in their discourse. It's just that they toned it down a notch or two but the entity hasn't been exorcised entirely.

Therefore, the Democrat strategists could've been further pressured by the ADL and AIPAC forces.

Bernie has a lot of ideas that makes sense for a lot of people. It's just that it doesn't make sense for Americans. Young people sure does love him for his aggressive stance on Student debt, wealth tax and Healthcare


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Moderator - World Affairs
Biden is going to inherit a steaming pile of shit come Jan 2021. Surging/exploding COVID cases/deaths, by far the world's worst. Skyrocketing bankruptcy/unemployment/jobless. Horrendous performing economy due to uncontrolled pandemic. Thanks to Trump who is doing his best to sabotage the transition process to Biden.

It's eventually in Biden's favor to end the US-China trade war, which will give a huge boost to US economic confidence and recovery efforts. China just needs to stay firm on NO enforcement mechanism, NO snap-back provisions, NO systematic structural reform of Chinese economy, NO touching MIC 2025, and "purchases based on market conditions". Just provide recycled promises on opening financial access, joint-ownership repeal, IP protection, broader transparency, etc... but don't give in to any other demands. Biden will fold like a wet Ritz cracker


Junior Member
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Biden is going to inherit a steaming pile of shit come Jan 2021. Surging/exploding COVID cases/deaths, by far the world's worst. Skyrocketing bankruptcy/unemployment/jobless. Horrendous performing economy due to uncontrolled pandemic. Thanks to Trump who is doing his best to sabotage the transition process to Biden.

It's eventually in Biden's favor to end the US-China trade war, which will give a huge boost to US economic confidence and recovery efforts. China just needs to stay firm on NO enforcement mechanism, NO snap-back provisions, NO systematic structural reform of Chinese economy, NO touching MIC 2025, and "purchases based on market conditions". Just provide recycled promises on opening financial access, joint-ownership repeal, IP protection, broader transparency, etc... but don't give it. Biden will fold like a wet Ritz cracker.

Also somewhat counterintuitively, I think Harris might actually push India closer to China or at least stop encouraging India as a US pawn to fight China, she is half Indian herself and as Potus will know the US only plans to use India and throw it out later, India is better off siding with China than as part of a Quad...


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Russia supported Trump, which did NOT benefit China... China needs to do whats best for China...
China will neither allow the U.S. to destroy Russia nor will it join in a full alliance with Russia against the U.S. It shall play the balancing act, as it always does.
Aye, i can tell by the increasingly distressing tone of RT that they know they're going to be in for a rough time with Biden; still, China has to do what's best for China whilst still supporting Russia. It's not like the Europeans have crowned themselves in glory by being such cucks in banning Huawei and being quiet supporters of the white supremacist regime of Trump in his attacks on China.