CV-18 Fujian/003 CATOBAR carrier thread


Registered Member
2 km to the north beyond the canal is a village. Those buildings are taller than the CV. The whole island was a populated rural area before the shipyard moved in.
View attachment 125461
I'm not sure since I'm not a photographer, but isn't 2 Km quite far to capture this level of detail?

It's not even a series of digital crops, because you can clearly see a guy closest to the J-35 standing by some boxes and he is kneeling in the last shot.

Also the perspective angle seems to be coming bottom up rather top down.

This had to be taken much closer


I'm not sure since I'm not a photographer, but isn't 2 Km quite far to capture this level of detail?

It's not even a series of digital crops, because you can clearly see a guy closest to the J-35 standing by some boxes and he is kneeling in the last shot.

Also the perspective angle seems to be coming bottom up rather top down.

This had to be taken much closer
A short answer is "Yes". Just google "Telephoto lens".

Remember Zhuhai 2022 high defination photo of J20 flying high in the sky? That is the power of telephoto lens.


Senior Member
Registered Member
How did they get so close (yes, even accounting for the lens)?
This seems like the kind of photography that MSS was warning against.
See below for what you can do with a expensive lense. It's probably fairly straightforward to film a stationary target discretely as long as you have a direct line of sight from a high vantage point, it's likely the camera isn't too far from Fujian as the atmospheric interference is minimal.

Easiest way to stamp these out if MSS wished is just to trace the actual account leaking the stuff. Physical security around the entire perimeter is exceedingly difficult, especially in such a busy area.