CV-18 Fujian/003 CATOBAR carrier thread


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Wondering why didn't do it in the first place, seems very logical to me
How so? It's well understood the top deck would be used for flight control. You wouldn't necessarily need the whole deck to be windowed so long as you have just the right amount of windows to give you unimpeded visibility on the entire flight deck.

Personally I would wonder why they do it now, and what that area of the deck would be used for. If I were to guess it's likely intended for guiding aircraft i.e. most likely helos approaching from the starboard side.


According to @还是捣蛋 on Weibo, the upper level of the bridge on CV-18 Fujian has got a couple new windows on the starboard side.

This photograph is photoshopped, but the changes are real.
View attachment 117613

Here's how the bridge looked like before the changes (actual, unedited):
View attachment 117614

Here's a CGI illustration on the changes, made by @大包CG on Weibo.
View attachment 117615
I always thought the Fujian design lacked a full prifly. Usually it's perched high on the island even above the APARS in the case of the Ford.


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Either Chinese internet censors stepped up or the guy there who publishes the pictures got jumped but I feel like after a certain point during the fitting we're barely getting any pictures. You'd think with the removal of the catapult shelters that we'd get daily updates from people on Shanghai overflights but afaik we don't even have visual proof if the deck is already cleared (which should be the case if it's already doing tilt tests if I base it on Shandong's fitting history). I checked the Shandong thread and there were more updates especially around this stage


Lieutenant General
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Either Chinese internet censors stepped up or the guy there who publishes the pictures got jumped but I feel like after a certain point during the fitting we're barely getting any pictures. You'd think with the removal of the catapult shelters that we'd get daily updates from people on Shanghai overflights but afaik we don't even have visual proof if the deck is already cleared (which should be the case if it's already doing tilt tests if I base it on Shandong's fitting history). I checked the Shandong thread and there were more updates especially around this stage

There are many PLA related locations of interest where people are in theory able to observe or take pictures of every day.

That doesn't mean they will actually do so or put the images on the internet.

"Barely any pictures" is the norm, if not a bit more than we can reasonably expect.
"Next to nothing" should be viewed as the true normal baseline.


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I always thought the Fujian design lacked a full prifly. Usually it's perched high on the island even above the APARS in the case of the Ford.
Only because the APARs on the Ford are situated much lower than those on the Fujian to begin with. Fujian's Pri-Fly is at most two levels below that of the Ford, and I'm not quite sure what you mean by a "full" Pri-Fly that Fujian lacks vis-a-vis the Ford.

003 vs 078.jpg

In any case I'd think it matters very little how high you situate that deck as long as you have full view of the flight deck below and a good view towards the stern, which the Fujian certainly does.

In fact Fujian's Pri-Fly is already one level higher than Liaoning/Shandong's Pri-Flys -

003 vs 002.jpg


The height and no. of levels of Ford's island might have to do with the fact that it is situated much further back the length of the ship. For navigation purposes it may need a higher bridge, and if the number of layers required is that much, then might as well have windows in all the layers.

It will also spread out functions across more levels and make the island smaller/compared to Fujian's layout, which might actually be more centralized than Ford's.