You want an angled flight deck?! Here you go:
View attachment 31728
The sheer size of this thing combined with the telltale angle of the stern and how the forward port side characteristically sticks out to accommodate the angled deck means this is a carrier mockup, not an LHA/LHD mockup.
I think you're right on.. that looks more like a carrier than LHA etc. your visual of the angled deck is spot on. That very large rectangular building on the port side is not part of the actual vessel mock up. It's just a building they build on top of the deck.
If the dummy helos are actual size which no reason to think it isn't, that is definitely the size of a carrier.
I don't like to presume anything nor count my chickens b4 they hatch however we could very well be seeing an early mockup of CV 18.

That's the potrusion to accommodate the angle deck and for cat 4. An LHA/LHD etc woudn't have that. I know a carrier when I see one. Another tell tale sign is the edge of both forward and aft. An LHA etc is almost perfectly square or parallel to each other but you can see here the front edge is not at the same angle as the stern. The stern is biased towards an angle deck just like any carrier.

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