CV-18 Fujian/003 CATOBAR carrier thread


Senior Member
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Electromagnetic catapult means only nuke powered can supply that power. Next carrier will be nuke powered.

Iron Man

Registered Member
Assuming that nose gear (towbar) is real and not photoshopped, then logic would dictate that PLAN's 3rd carrier would be a supercarrier which would fit nicely into our own narrative and estimations thus far of PLAN's carrier ambitions i.e 2 skijumps, 2 CVs and CVNs afterward by mid century.
The presence of a tow bar on a J-15 in 2017 engenders no additional evidence for anything past CV-18 in the early to mid 2020s.


Junior Member
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rumor say next carrier is CV018 of type 003. Type 002 may not exist. If true the title of this thread needs to be updated.

specs: nuclear powered, 100k ton, EMALS

just rumor though


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asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
CV-16 and CV-17 STOBAR
CV-18 and CV-19 CATOBAR EMALS with conventional power
CV-20 and CV-21 CVN

6 carriers add to that 6 ARG

2 of each deployed at any one time


Senior Member
Registered Member
Conventional powered carrier takes huge amount of fuel and always need to refuel. It can't go far.

In war time when got blockaded, those fuel will be limited and they will be sitting ducks.

Nuke powered all the way!