CV-18 Fujian/003 CATOBAR carrier thread


Saw it on TV too, in the interview before this, the guy said he was so excited when he saw the new plane on deck, it was like when he first saw the J15.
Which implies that either the J35 or the AWACS has already boarded Fujian.
So its members of the PLAN that is testing the ship on her first sea trial and not people from the shipyard.


There have been
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aircraft and UCAV handling, ammo handling, maintenance scheduling, and deck operations using complex mathematical modeling and algorithms to achieve optimal carrier flight operations, with an eye on automating many of the planning processes. Huazhong University of Science and Technology alone employed 20 post-graduate students to look into this area, and many of the students wrote their dissertations on this very topic (images 2 to 5). Unfortunately, I have no access to any of these papers from Huazhong or other institutions.

A translation of the text from the first image below:

Excerpts from one of the Master's theses on aircraft handling from Huazhong University. Images containes in quotes to save space.
