Today and today's geo-poloitical and military environment are nothing comparable to the times of the Qing Navy.Qing Navy made a ”goodwill” visit to Japan and it backfired spectacularly. PLA Navy is no longer Qing, but I don't see China doing this kind of showoff when two carriers are all she has. UK, India, even Japan may have two carriers in the not too distant future, so having just two carriers doesn't really make China above the pack.
Admiral Zheng He did multiple goodwill voyages when Ming dynasty had world's most powerful Navy, only to see the entire fleet disappear from history..
Given how things had turned out before, China would have many second thoughts when contemplating anything like this.
Doing joint excercise closer to home is a different story, of course.
As I said, the PLAN doing a good will cruise with those two carriers would send a strong, and a good message.
It may not happen quickly...but it ultimately will happen. If I were making the decisions, about the time the 2nd carrier reached IOC I would send the two carriers out for a 4-6 week cruise like that.
Of course, anyone can feel differently for whatever reason suits them.