Hu ??? Did I miss something ? Since when are they called as "Project" ??
I am following the interpretation of the Chinese nomenclature in
*this* post, which I consider plausible and useful:
"Actually the numbers 001, 002, 003... are internal project codes, not "Type" as in Type 052D. So there is no such things as 001A, 002A, 002B (as in Type 052B, Type 052C ... ...). The internal project code is for one ship only. We have 001 which is Liaoning. Then we will soon have 002 which is being outfitted. The next carrier will be 003, and the next will be 004 so on and so forth. But there won't be multiple ships of 003, as 003 is not a Type."
Importantly, the addition "CV-" does not fit at all to Chinese aircraft carriers. For example, to think about it, we do not call R08 Queen Elizabeth "CV-8".