My question is, where are the escorts? Shouldn't the CV be in the middle of the CVG
The CV is in the middle of the group.
But as Intrepid says, they're miles away in a real life deployment. In photo ops they will be located right next to each other but that is just for the picture.
The other question one might ask, is why did the Liaoning CSG allow a USN destroyer to get within a kilometer or two of the carrier itself?
In which case, the answer of course is -- why not? No one is at war at each other, and apart from keeping a close eye on the destroyer and making sure they are not posing navigational hazards to each other, there's nothing that can be done to physically prevent one ship from getting within that distance of your own ship.
The same principle applies if it's a Chinese destroyer wanting to get close to a US carrier as well in the middle of their own escort group.