In fact, I think it's always worth debunking and disproving a hoax!
Well yeah, it would indeed be much better than having orgasms if China/PLAN could release current photograph of Liaoning right away just to award a huge slam onto his face.
But let's get this straight.
Of course, whether Liaoning actually got a "major flight deck incident" or not - We may have to wait for a couple more days or even weeks before more details would come to light. That is, with regards as to whether the "incident" is indeed factual, or SubBrief is just blowing air to expand his viewership balloon.
If the "incident" did actually happen, I believe the way PLAN is expected to handle the aftermath may resemble early March last year, whereby if I remembered correctly, a Y-8-based patrol aircraft crashed somewhere in the South China Sea, and it wasn't a couple of weeks after the accident when news were officially released to the public once the funeral procession for the deceased crew have been completed. Even then, the news reporting were kept low-key.
Therefore, even if something big did happen to Liaoning during her exercise in the Westpac last month - Depending on the scale and effect of the "incident" - As long as Liaoning can get back to port in one piece and with majority of her structure and crew intact, then it would have already been a very huge blessing.
Furthermore, even if Liaoning did in fact suffered from a "major flight deck incident" -
Has the US Navy suffered zero incidents and accidents, especially those which resulted in casualties and/or fatalities throughout her 100 years of carrier-based aviation?
In fact, flight deck incidents and accidents, albeit as tragic as it sounds, is more-or-less part-and-parcel of
a continuously evolving process of learning and mastering the knowledge and skills required for operating aircraft carrier and carrier-based aviation. This is the same for any country around the world that operate aircraft carriers, and China is no exception.
This is especially considering that December 2022 is just
barely 10 years since China
first began operating aircraft carriers and carrier-based aircrafts. Out of the countries in Asia that operate aircraft carriers, China is the least experienced among all.
A disclaimer before I end this post -
I never claim that something big actually happened on Liaoning during her exercise. But if it really did, I wouldn't be shocked. As long as defects have been remedied, mistakes have been rectified, and valuable lessons have been learnt and implemented into future operations - Then
I would always be confident, proud and trustful of the PLAN.