I seem to remember asking ages ago for evidence of a "Russian Invasion" of Ukraine weeks ago and never got an answer from anyone.
Well lets try something else for the pro Maidanites here to explain.
Back n Mid July, the Ukrainian army arrived en-force on the outskirts of both Donetsk and Lugansk. Over the following weeks they launched a series of massive armoured strikes to retake the cities. Despite enjoyng overwhelming numerical and firepower supremacy, they failed to penetrate any deeper than some of the outer suburbs and failed to hold most of even these. At the time, the Ukrainians claimed they were making good progress and no mention of the Russian Army was ever made.
Why did they fail to capture these key cities, when all the factors appeared so strongly in their favour?
From some of the reports I have read, the Ukrainian soldiers involved in the operation claimed that the logistic support was appalling and they basically ran out of ammo and supplies at the later stages of the campaign, while the rebels counter attacked and whole units being "abandoned" by Kiev.
The larger the force and the more mechanical the force, the quicker it runs out of steam without sufficient supplies. That is why in reality, tanks and planes means nothing if you cannot sort out the fundamentals like logistics. Generals are always logistic managers first, tacticians second.
It appears to me that initially the rebels just dissolved and avoided large scale resistances against the spearheads and let the government forces advance, and then engaged in classic guerrilla warfare and encirclement tactics and focused in cutting off or severely disrupting their supply lines.
Also compounding difficulty is that:
1. Loyalties in the army are blurred, and many government units really do not want to fire on their own people, and may not really agree with the Maidan movement in heart. Given the Maidan government needed to establish a new defence force (around the core of the neo-nazies), and fired several senior officers in the army, this points to an army not fully in tune with their masters.
2. The government forces did not get much support from the civilian population on the ground. This was the reason why they experienced severe logistic issues within---let's not forget---their OWN country. In Chinese history, the KMT forces in the Chinese civil war between 1945-1949 experienced the same logistic problems---which eventually lead to their total collapse. Basically it was like they were fighting like an invasion force in their own country.