You are wrong about Chiang and Soong Meiling treating China as their own private property. Although Chiang was a bit of an 'eggheaded' idiot, a name reflected in his nickname of 'Cash My Check' in Washington during the 1940's partly due to corruption, I am sure he and his wife wanted the best for China just as the original Communists wanted the best for China. Chiang modernised China in a far more positive way than the current CCP, establishing the University of Nanjing, Academia Sinica and the Bank of China-laying the groundwork for the rise of China and growth of gradual democracy. All the CCP ever did was introduce the Great Leap Backwards and Cultural Revolution that destroyed Chinese culture and retarded China's growth-and with NO democracy at all, in violation of Dr. Sun Yat Sen's Three Principles of the People which the hypocrites of the CCP claim to follow. Deng Xiaopeng's economic reforms in the 1980's was a small improvement compared to what Chiang advanced in the 1930's before the Japanese invasion of China stopped this program of modernization. Unfortunately, under the increasingly corrupt KMT during the 1940's, the ROC lost the war to the Communists at the time, who had the people's hearts. I do not think it would be fair to assign all the blame to Chiang because he was just an incompetent leader who could not control his corrupt subordinates and on corrupt advice from his advisors, sacked several of the best generals that could have saved the ROC from total collapse such as Li Tsung Jen . The results of this can be seen today in the environmental dystopia that China has evolved into such as the loss of the Three Gorges, the rampant corruption among government officials and the CCP (contrast this to the ROC on Taiwan handling of corrupt officials, see "Two Chens face Two Systems" and the great social inequality among the farmers that had made the CCP's rise to power possible. If the
Nationalists had managed to rally and hold on to the Sichuan and Canton areas of China where their last strongholds were instead of cowardly fleeing to Taiwan, they would have implemented the modernisation of Dr. Sun, creating a free and strong society like the USA or UK but without the social ills, based on the Three Principles of the People. If you want proof, look at the way the humbled Chiang modernised Taiwan in the 60's to 80's, turning it into an economic powerhouse and prosperous country without the social and environmental ills that plague China today. The crash course in ROC democracy that pits the still corrupt KMT (who have betrayed national security by blocking the weapons procurement bill more than 70 times!) against the equally corrupt DPP) is a story for another day as it is very interesting. However today it is the CCP of China that has turned into the corrupted KMT of the 1940's and have even made 'reunifying Taiwan into the motherland' a "national priority"-even though doing so will cost Chinese lives on both sides of the strait, destroy the environment of Taiwan and China and cause a possible nuclear war with the US-for what?
For starters, the CCP leadership might want to revise their history and realise that it is the will of the people that determine victory and that you cannot force people to 'reunify', only persuade them-a fact forgotten since 1949. If China does not offer any good reasons for reunifying, only verbally and psychologically threatening Taiwan with thug-like language like "drowning separatist forces in Taipei in a sea of fire" and aiming 800 missiles at your fellow Chinese is a sort of funny if it wasn't so deadly serious way to go about 'persuading' them to return to the motherland.
So the CCP should be smart and reform the political system-and make the ultimate sacrifice to show that they put China's benefit above their own love of power like the KMT of the late 80's did-by holding gradual elections from the mayor's level up to president STARTING NOW over a period of 30 years-avoiding the social hooliganism that uncontrolled democracy can bring (refer to Taiwan's Legislative Yuan antics for more uncontolled democracy) and do something about the environment that is slowly killing China.
If not, the current CCP might soon find themselves in the position of the KMT of the 1940's, this time with angry peasants and revolutionaries at their back-and no Taiwan to flee to and NO TIME to Cash a Check before the mob tears down the door.