theoretically, it's possible for a foreigner to join the pla, but it's almost impossible in reality. even he succeed, it's not going to be what he thinks- to join the combat troops.
pla only accept people who have "census register" and at the right age. and china is one of the strictest countries about "census register" in the world. please notice it is "census register" not "citizenship". e.g: hong kong and macao, they have chinese citizenship theoretically, but they dont have "census register". so they cnat join the pla. there are only few thousands of foreigners have "census register", but there are millions of them have residence card. in china, foreigners need to obtain a very strict "census register" inspection, to ensure this person does have an irreplaceable role in china (means this person has to be very very important to china). to be honest,there are not much people have this ability. and what's more, even some one does have this ability, he will be over the age of required already.
also, in case of joining the pla, there is a necessary process which is unheard of for foreigners.:政审(政治审查
olitical Records Examination). although this process is just a institutional routine,but to a foreigner, it's almost impossible to pass. as i know, join the army in most of the countries in the word is either an obligation or a personal choice, but in china, to become a soldier does not only need your won consent, recruitment officers also need to visit your home and school and local government departments. asking for your family advises and read your teachers' Comments.and asking the local government about your family background. consider whether you may defect because of family or historical reasons. as long as one of them said : no
u are not going to be selected. in other words, a pla soldier needs his family, teachers and local government together to make an endorsement on his loyalty. to a native chinese people this is simple, but to a foreigner--天方夜谭(arabian nights)--means impossible) tired of typing and translatimg all these...
i'm sorry if my chinese english caused reading difficulties to u....