Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


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Are you saying that this information is false?

Im not talking about each extreme scenario that you are saying. Im talking about china getting behind the US and EU vacination programs.

They say a picture speaks a thousand words. Here's the deal @Orthan. China is selflessly helping others first. Geddit? Not because China is unable to manufacture stuff.

NYT mentioned developing nations will get vaccinated last. Without mentioning that developed nations are hoarding vaccines. But it's still a freaking shitshow, because Europe and USA are falling behind in their campaigns.


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They say a picture speaks a thousand words. Here's the deal @Orthan. China is selflessly helping others first. Geddit? Not because China is unable to manufacture stuff.

NYT mentioned developing nations will get vaccinated last. Without mentioning that developed nations are hoarding vaccines. But it's still a freaking shitshow, because Europe and USA are falling behind in their campaigns.
I am not sure if the author understands maths... out of 2 billion they are sending millions, not hundreds of millions or even tens of millions... even if we consider they just shorten what they are writing... and consider China sending hundreds of millions of doses abroad... if China keeps 1.4 billion doses that’s still 50% of the entire population of China... considering the production rate of western vaccines and the inoculation rates atm... how is that falling behind?


I am not sure if the author understands maths... out of 2 billion they are sending millions, not hundreds of millions or even tens of millions... even if we consider they just shorten what they are writing... and consider China sending hundreds of millions of doses abroad... if China keeps 1.4 billion doses that’s still 50% of the entire population of China... considering the production rate of western vaccines and the inoculation rates atm... how is that falling behind?
But it says “they are pledging hundreds of millions more”. If they are pledging that many, they have to put even more on the side in case some accidents happen and they need some extra. That surely will eat up a significant portion of their stock.

The falling behind part is sort of subjective too. The Chinese have vaccinated similar numbers of people as any western countries. Only when they calculate the “per 100 people” figure, China falls behind because of the huge population base they have. I think it’s an old trick used against China for a long time. Any time you want to criticize China, you just divide whatever figures you have by their population. They will look bad...


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1. China cannot relax its pandemic control mechanisms without a majority of population being vaccinated, that's just the result of the vaccines' efficacy rate.
2. China now doesn't have a significant outbreak.
3. More Chinese vaccines are being tested and more production facilities are being constructed. So we can expect significantly increased supplies down the road. Which means the vaccination drive will be back-loaded anyway.

It's therefore better for both the humanity and the global economy that China supplies more vaccines to smaller countries with worse outbreaks rather than uses most of its current production capacity to vaccinate its own population. This will only delay China's own vaccination program for a short time (given the size of China's population and back-loadedness of its production capacity), but hasten smaller & worse affected countries' vaccination program by a lot so they can 1) prevent infections and 2) restart their economy.

It's really Decision Theory 101.


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But it says “they are pledging hundreds of millions more”. If they are pledging that many, they have to put even more on the side in case some accidents happen and they need some extra. That surely will eat up a significant portion of their stock.
Sure but again... it would still be a vast portion of the population that would get inoculated... assuming that 1billion doses are kept... the others are sent, pledged or held... that would still mean 1/3 of the entire population... which would be the entire US population plus the entire population of a few western nations combined...
The falling behind part is sort of subjective too. The Chinese have vaccinated similar numbers of people as any western countries. Only when they calculate the “per 100 people” figure, China falls behind because of the huge population base they have. I think it’s an old trick used against China for a long time. Any time you want to criticize China, you just divide whatever figures you have by their population. They will look bad...
This is already annoying... what use whatever breakdown method that suits them... like pollution they take the total CO2 figure but never mention per capita... when China GDP exceeded or are about to exceed them they go from total to per capita... it’s really irritating when they make these arguments


Dont try to whitewash this. China´s vacination program IS falling behind, according to this article.

You must be really desperate to find anything negative about China these days.

It must be hard for you to wake up each morning and see that China is doing even better than the day before. Does it affect your very sense of self-worth to see Communist Red China on path to become the new global leader? Do you lie awake at night distressing about the ever growing might of the People's Republic?

Some therapy might help.


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I am less worried about what's being said in the Washington Post article and more worried about the lack of a published Phase III trial result in a reputable academic journal with public data. It has been nearly a year and not a single such result can be found for any of China's vaccines, whereas multiple US vaccines have already published results months ago and now even the Russian one did. At this rate, even the Indian vaccine will have published Phase III results before any of China's.

Distribution matters can be resolved. But at the end of the day the vaccine has to work. What's going on?


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Dont try to whitewash this. China´s vacination program IS falling behind, according to this article.

Of course its vaccination program is falling behind, because that is the wrong metric. The goal is not to vaccinate everyone (which has never been the goal of any vaccination program), but rather to beat the virus. China has beat the virus, and to go all out trying to vaccinate 1.4 billion people in a short time frame is a waste of time and money considering the viral load circulating in china. China's resources are much better spent trying to vaccinate other countries outside China, which are more likely to import COVID back into the country.

China's approach over the past few months has been to continue building standby capacity, where now China can test over 15 million samples a day. That means each time COVID comes back, China can throw more PPE, more testing, more robots and drone at the problem, since it has built up an arsenal of capabilities whereas most medical systems worldwide are now collapsing. China has now survived 7 waves of infections, and it will survive the next wave, and the wave after that.