Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


Lieutenant General
Different results are easily explained, and indeed should be expected given the very different vaccination test population and geographical locals (even if we exclude the possibility of political interference or outright sabotage by the Brazilian authorities who didn’t even try to hide their hostility to the trials).

The entire Brazilian test was done with health workers, while the Turkish trial also included general population. As such it’s pretty understandable that the Brazilian trial would have less efficacy given the much higher probability of healthcare workers coming into contact with the virus, and doing so for prolonged periods, compared to the general population.

You also have the infamous Brazilian variant, which is proven to lower vaccine efficacy rates in the much vaunted western mRNA vaccines also.


Registered Member
Different results are easily explained, and indeed should be expected given the very different vaccination test population and geographical locals (even if we exclude the possibility of political interference or outright sabotage by the Brazilian authorities who didn’t even try to hide their hostility to the trials).

The entire Brazilian test was done with health workers, while the Turkish trial also included general population. As such it’s pretty understandable that the Brazilian trial would have less efficacy given the much higher probability of healthcare workers coming into contact with the virus, and doing so for prolonged periods, compared to the general population.

You also have the infamous Brazilian variant, which is proven to lower vaccine efficacy rates in the much vaunted western mRNA vaccines also.
That's why I am puzzled why Sinovac released this interim result now. It isn't like we didn't already know these results. What Sinovac needs right now is clarification.

Cansino is moving forward and seeking approval from Mexico. The biggest advantage of CanSino it is that it requires only one dose. Russia is seeking cooperation with CanSino for combining its Sputnik with Cansino vaccines.
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It is what it is. There's more demand than supply right now so they probably have no trouble selling the vaccine.

Ultimately the regulators/experts of the receiving countries do understand the caveats in these studies.

WHO approval will just be met with "CCP owns WHO" bullshit though.


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Sinovac needs to explain why the efficacy rate is not consistent or even close for these two trials.
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Sinovac Announces Phase III Results of Its COVID-19 Vaccine

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)--Sinovac Biotech Ltd. (NASDAQ: SVA) (“Sinovac” or the “Company”), a leading provider of biopharmaceutical products in China, today announced phase III results. Sinovac had started its phase III trials on CoronaVac, its COVID-19 vaccine, on July 21, 2020. Trials were conducted in Brazil, Turkey, Indonesia, and Chile. In compliance with the principles of Good Clinical Practice (GCP), the trials were conducted with the vaccine candidate produced from the same lot and following the 0, 14 day schedule. There have been a total of 25,000 participants enrolled in the trial across those four countries.

The phase III trials conducted in Brazil and Turkey evaluated the efficacy of the vaccine candidate in healthcare workers who provide treatment to COVID-19 patients. Both trial studies were randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled. The two trials shared the same primary endpoint of an efficacy rate 14 days after the vaccination with either vaccine candidate or placebo.

As of December 16, 2020, there were 12,396 health workers over 18 years old enrolled. A total of 253 positive cases were collected during the observation period. After 14 days following vaccination with 2 doses of vaccine following a 0, 14 day schedule, the efficacy rate against diseases caused by COVID-19 was 50.65% for all cases, 83.70% for cases requiring medical treatment, and 100.00% for hospitalized, severe, and fatal cases.

There are two stages of the phase III clinical trial in Turkey. Participants comprised health care workers in the first stage (K-1) and the general population in the second stage (K-2), with all participants ranging from 18 to 59 years old. As of December 23, 2020, there were 918 participants enrolled in K-1 and 6,453 participants in K-2, for a total of 7,371 participants. Among them, 1,322 participants completed the two-dose vaccination and entered the 14-day observation period after receiving the second dose of the vaccination. Based on an analysis of 29 cases, the efficacy rate for COVID-19 prevention was 91.25% after 14 days following the two-dose vaccination, in adherence with the 0, 14 day schedule.

Sinovac has officially filed conditional market authorization for CoronaVac with China’s National Medical Products Administration (NMPA). Sinovac continues to actively seek regulatory approval for CoronaVac in other countries while contributing to making the COVID-19 vaccine accessible and affordable on a global basis to ensure the prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic.

I am confused by this announcement. It doesn't say anything new which wasn't announced like a month ago now. I would presume the Turkish trials should have more data by now...


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Combination now for Sputnik V and Cansino Biologics. Cansino's announcement of Phase III results should be coming in days. From my sources in the industry, results should be good (and very good for a one-shot candidate).
Canada debacle really delayed CanSino's trial results. Otherwise, CanSino would have been a front runner now.


I’m not sure China is doing this out of the goodness of its heart. Those vaccines do cost money you know. It isn’t like they are being given away for free.

Anything done out of charity is not trustworthy, as the receiver of said charity must subsist on their benefactor's good will.

China is not doing charity, China is catering to a market of low-income countries who cannot afford the more expensive western vaccines (whether that expense is in the form of logistics or the actual vaccine).


I guess Mexico is in a hurry to procure more vaccines.
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Mexico gets China’s Sinovac vaccine paperwork for approval​

Published Friday, Feb. 5, 2021 | 6:26 p.m.

Updated 15 minutes ago

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico announced Friday that Sinovac, the Chinese manufacturer of the CoronaVac vaccine, has submitted paperwork for approval in Mexico. Another Chinese firm, CanSino, has submitted partial paperwork.

Foreign Relations Secretary Marcelo Ebrard wrote early Friday that the CanSino vaccine had been “applied successfully” in the trials and had applied for authorization. But Assistant Health Secretary Hugo López-Gatell later clarified that it had presented only “initial” documents, noting: “They are not yet results" of Phase 3 trials.

CanSino has not released any estimated efficacy rate. Mexico would presumably require those figures for approval.

Sinovac has released a varied range of efficacy estimates from Phase 3 trials in other countries, ranging from as low as 50.65% for preventing infections, to 100% in preventing severe cases.

Mexico is running out of vaccines, and had placed its hopes on CanSino’s single-shot dose. CanSino has carried out Phase 3 trials in Mexico with 14,425 volunteers enrolled.

Mexico has been promised 8 million doses of the CanSino vaccine by March, and is particularly upbeat about the Chinese shot because it is relatively easy to handle, and will be finished and bottled at a plant in Mexico.

Mexico also recently approved Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine, but won’t get that, or more doses of the Pfizer vaccine, until later this month.

Mexico has received only about 760,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine, and has only about 60,000 of those left, many of which are earmarked for second shots. The country has been able to give doses to only about half its front-line medical personnel so far.

Mexico registered 13,051 confirmed infections Friday, to reach 1.91 million so far. There were 1,368 deaths confirmed, for a total of 164,290. However, Mexico does very little testing, and excess death estimates suggest the real toll is well above 195,000.

Mexico City, the current epicenter of the pandemic in Mexico, remains under the highest level or alert with hospitals over 80% full. But on Friday, the city government announced that shopping centers would be allowed to reopen at 20% of capacity, as long as customers spent no longer than a half hour inside. It was not clear how that rule could be enforced.

The city's beleaguered restaurants will be allowed to open three hours longer at night, but only in open-air terraces.
I’m not sure China is doing this out of the goodness of its heart. Those vaccines do cost money you know. It isn’t like they are being given away for free.

True that China is doing this NOT ENTIRELY out of the goodness. It is both true and false.

China is being responsible by providing some of these as humanitarian aid and for some goodwill.
But a vast majority of the supplies are being provided on a commercial basis.


Quite simple, 253 positives in the Brazilian trial and 29 cases in the Turkish trial.

Turkish trial needs more subjects.

Both need more subjects tbh.

Also the Brazilian trial was all healthcare workers who were likely exposed to higher viral load thus worsening overall outcome.

Sinopharm trial was much more comprehensive (>60000 subjects) and across 10 countries.

I'd like to think Sinovac's vaccine efficacy is similar in efficacy to Sinopharm's due to similar technologies. Both are inactivated vaccines with alum adjuvants.

Also the Brazilian trial was all healthcare workers who were likely exposed to higher viral load thus worsening overall outcome.

That's the same reason given by a Sinovac official. He gave the example of the HIV vaccine trial in South Africa where the outcome of the trial is much worst than the trials in other countries that are much less afflicted with HIV.