The guy returned to Taiwan for 3 months but the Taiwanese government still claimed he contracted the virus before returning to Taiwan.
Western media would never report how Taiwan lies and manipulates covid cases and only praises how well Taiwan has been doing. The only reason why Taiwan has so little cases is due to the fact that it never widely tested its people.
According to a report from the Xiamen Health Commission of Fujian, Xiamen added one imported case from Taiwan last Friday (29th), and the patient flew from Taiwan to Xiamen on January 23.
Taiwan’s Central Epidemic Command Center stated on Sunday (31st) that the above-mentioned cases left Taiwan on February 20 last year, returned to Taiwan on October 28 of the same year, and then left the country on January 23 this year. Serum was detected in Xiamen on 23rd. If the antibody is positive, there is a chance that he was infected before entering the country in October last year.