There's a narrative going around that the Wuhan authorities somehow failed in their handling of this virus. I think it behooves us to be skeptical of this narrative and ask the right questions instead of just being swept along by the current. Exactly how did the local government fail? The coronavirus family is a very broad one, and includes the common cold; should a city be quarantined every time a new variant of the common cold shows up? It was unknown if the virus had the ability to transmit between humans (most viruses that cross from animals don't) or, even if it did, that it was particularly dangerous. Once such dangerous mutations were suspected, the authorities went into action, and maximal action at that.
That's just the way things are now; we're in a geopolitical struggle, so everything is going to be weaponized to serve each side in the struggle. Welcome to the Second Cold War.
Well the Wuhan authorities have done a poor job in the month leading up to the outbreak. This is even supported by the official state narratives.
I agree that Western mainstream media is probably using this to bolster their narrative. However, shouldn’t we hold China to a higher standard? If the country could rapidly urbanize and lift millions out of extreme poverty, shouldn’t it have handled this crisis a lot better?