In April, scientists said that when the second wave comes, it will be more powerful than the first wave. Now the second wave is under way in Europe and it is more powerful than the first wave.
Why didn't anyone do anything about it?
China is Covid-19 free. Without a vaccine! And the economy has recovered. Why can't we Europeans do it?
Why couldn’t the west do what China did? Two things, firstly they are so brainwashed it’s quite shocking.
The overwhelming majority of the western population has such a set of silly, almost cartoonish preconceptions about China that they seem to think the Chinese government has almost godly levels of powers to control every minute aspect of the lives of every citizen, and that Chinese people are like ants that will follow orders without exception. So they basically just flat out accept that anything China does cannot be achieved on the west because of ‘democracy and freedom and human rights’.
Secondly, which also links back to the first point, is the Soviet like censoring the western media has done on successful Chinese efforts to combat the outbreak (Any slip ups or mistakes, no matter how minor or inconsequential are seizes upon with relish and endlessly repeated on the other hand).
It’s exceedingly rare to get any details on what China has done right in the west without you having to go out of your way to look for it, even then you will not find much in the western MSM, and instead have to do with small independent voices or professional medical publications. with absolutely zero attempts by western governments and health experts to learn lessons from what China got right.
It is an absolutely amazing situation where we have such a current and ongoing crisis where the damage and stakes are so amazingly high, yet the western elite are still resolutely refusing to learn from the only actual real world case study where an outbreak in full swing was not only been brought under control, but the virus completely eradicated from a major country, simply because that country is China.
Instead they are still trying to rehash their own long discredited, and almost Nazi level callous herd immunity crackpot ideas.
It would not surprise me at all at this point that if China won the vaccine race, and made it available to the west, they would still refuse to take the offer and instead wait months more for their own version.