Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


Junior Member
Registered Member
What are your thoughts on SARS-CoV-2 being present in Barcelona nine months prior to Chinese scientists making the discovery?

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Hard to believe. Nobody noticed a high contagious disease spreading out of control for a year? I do not support conspiracy theories for sure but if i was a capitalist i would face hard dillemma. Or do lockdowns to contain the spread of the virus and consequent destroy market economy, or try to make an impression "oh just a flu" it went unnoticed about a year and so. BUT numbers don't lie. Talking about real deaths and burnt healthcare systems is difficult to hide or manipulate.


Canadian media coverage of China is disgusting and just as bad or worse than the U.S. I swear to you that if a Canadian tourist were arrested in China because he raped and murdered a Chinese citizen in broad daylight with 30 witnesses, Canadian media would imply that he was arbitrarily arrested for political reasons in revenge for Meng Wanzhou being arrested in Canada. I'm not exaggerating whatsoever.

No kidding, you just need to look at the way Canadian media covered that drug smuggler who was given a death sentence.


Junior Member
Here's the way it would go down if a Canadian committed a serious crime in China that had tons of witnesses and he clearly did it beyond a reasonable doubt. The Canadian media would report:

"A Canadian Tourist, Johnny Canuck, has been arrested in China, the site of the deadly Coronavirus which spread around the world after the Chinese Communist Party covered up its spread in the early stages. The state-run Chinese media has reported that Mr. Canuck raped and murdered a Chinese citizen [zero mention of the evidence his arrest was based on. Or if they do, imply that they're making it all up]. However, Prime Minister Trudeau and several other critics have condemned Mr. Canuck's arrest as an arbitrary detention by the authoritarian Communist state, which does not have the rule of law, that was done in retaliation for Meng Wanzhou being arrested in Vancouver [no mention of the reason WHY she was arrested. Instead imply that it was because she was stealing technology]"

Then throw in the phrase "human rights abuses" somewhere and "the Chinese Communist Party has also detained millions of Muslims in concentration camps in Xinjiang" and call it a day.


Lieutenant General
Well you know the narrative is still it started in China and it shows how long Beijing has been covering it up no matter how early it was discovered to have existed. Which begs the question if the US expected China to report this illness to the world on day one it was suspected to be contagious, how come no one else was able to discover it for months…?


The US now had 6 months to prepare for the Covid-19 outbreak. They cannot rely on a lack of information from WHO or other countries. They are unprepared for a crisis that is likely to cost more deaths than war!

In every democratically governed country, there are opportunities to replace an inept government. To do this, of course, more than half of the population entitled to vote must be sufficiently educated and economically situated to recognize and avert a crisis. That doesn't seem to be the case in the United States.

Is the US no longer part of the first world? Are the United States just an emerging country such as Brazil, India, Russia, South Africa or Mexico (the other countries with more than 5,000 new Covid 19 cases yesterday)?


Registered Member
Hard to believe. Nobody noticed a high contagious disease spreading out of control for a year? I do not support conspiracy theories for sure but if i was a capitalist i would face hard dillemma. Or do lockdowns to contain the spread of the virus and consequent destroy market economy, or try to make an impression "oh just a flu" it went unnoticed about a year and so. BUT numbers don't lie. Talking about real deaths and burnt healthcare systems is difficult to hide or manipulate.

It suggests that the low-infectivity ancestor has been spreading for months (or possibly years) before becoming a highly-infectious strain detected in December 2019 in Wuhan.