Here's the way it would go down if a Canadian committed a serious crime in China that had tons of witnesses and he clearly did it beyond a reasonable doubt. The Canadian media would report:
"A Canadian Tourist, Johnny Canuck, has been arrested in China, the site of the deadly Coronavirus which spread around the world after the Chinese Communist Party covered up its spread in the early stages. The state-run Chinese media has reported that Mr. Canuck raped and murdered a Chinese citizen [zero mention of the evidence his arrest was based on. Or if they do, imply that they're making it all up]. However, Prime Minister Trudeau and several other critics have condemned Mr. Canuck's arrest as an arbitrary detention by the authoritarian Communist state, which does not have the rule of law, that was done in retaliation for Meng Wanzhou being arrested in Vancouver [no mention of the reason WHY she was arrested. Instead imply that it was because she was stealing technology]"
Then throw in the phrase "human rights abuses" somewhere and "the Chinese Communist Party has also detained millions of Muslims in concentration camps in Xinjiang" and call it a day.