What is the CDC guideline?
Does the CDC guideline state anyone with Coronavirus, should go out their daily lives and should wear a mask only when they are within 6 feet?
This is a total retard guideline or Congressman Tom Rice is the retard. Which is it? Either way, the guideline is either faulty or is not being properly disseminated.
Rep. Tom Rice, a South Carolina Republican, announced on Monday that he, his wife, and his son had been infected with the coronavirus. But just two weeks ago, Rice appeared on the House floor in Washington without a face covering.
When reporter Manu Raju asked Rice why he wasn't wearing a mask in the chamber on May 28, the congressman said he could maintain at least 6 feet of distance from everyone on the floor and in the halls of the Capitol and therefore didn't need to wear a mask. COVID-19 can spread even from asymptomatic carriers.
"I do wear it sometimes on the floor," he told Raju in May. "I make an effort to ... stay 6 feet away from folks in accordance with guidelines. And when I'm forced into a situation where I can't do that — like on a plane — I do wear a mask."
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends everyone wear a cloth face covering when they cannot maintain at least 6 feet of distance from others.
Some in US lost their minds. Even wearing a face mask is a political statement now. This is ridiculous. Because for people like him thousands died. Same story in Brazil too. Unbelievable.