is funny part, China GDP will decline, say, 5% in 2020, and the US GDP will decline 10% so that the "growth" gap is 5%, LOL
The growth estimates are currently:
China: 0% to 1%
USA: -5% to -8%
That is because the US is a predominantly a service economy which comprises a lot of non-essential economic activity.
In comparison, China is a manufacturing economy and the people are poorer, so they have continue spending more of their income on essentials anyway.
A lot of decision-makers in the US have trouble grasping that the US will be hit harder than China.
And they are making irrational decisions based on emotions.
Plus if the US starts a new trade or technology war, the figures become even worse for the US.
In many respects, the US simply has no alternative to China.
And so far, it does look like China will be able to keep COVID-19 outbreaks controlled locally.
That comes from stopping foreign travel, testing aggressively, individual surveillance and contact tracing, and being willing to quarantine widely so it doesn't spread.
From what I can see, the key is identifying cases/clusters early, then effective contact tracing, which results in a widespread quarantine of at most thousands of people who might be infected, although they probably are not.
But that stops cases spreading and overwhelming the contact tracing system.
It is what other places in Asia have done, and which has proven effective.