I feel trouble is ahead for Chinese living in the USA. POTUS don't seem to understand the concept that he is the POTUS for ALL its people, and by single out a particular group, he is, defacto (A word favoured by MSM) embolden wrong elements (as seen in Michigan with the militia storming state hall), that its ok to behave towards a group of people differently.
And after having seen so many footages online showing asian looking people getting racially abused all over the globe, from Australia to USA. And now with with this message from POTUS, the threat is very real!
So I said please be extra careful if you are of Asian origin. Stay safe!
Headline from USA TODAY:
Trump says he's seen evidence coronavirus came from Chinese lab. US intelligence agencies say it was not man-made
Deirdre Shesgreen USA TODAY
Published 6:48 PM EDT Apr 30, 2020