Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


Lieutenant General
Another milestone is reached officially Wuhan ended the pandemic with the release of the last patient and no new cases recorded in the last 5 days. they were lockdown for 76 days
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Wuhan declared free of Covid-19 as last patients leave hospital after months-long struggle against coronavirus
Zhuang Pinghui
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13 hours ago

Wuhan declared free of Covid-19 as last patients leave hospital after months-long struggle against coronavirus
The city of Wuhan, the initial epicentre of the coronavirus pandemic, no longer has any Covid-19 patients in hospital after the last 12 were discharged on Sunday.

Their release ended a four-month nightmare for the city, where the disease was first detected in December. The number of patients being treated for Covid-19, the disease caused by a new coronavirus, peaked on February 18 at 38,020 – nearly 10,000 of whom were in severe or critical condition.
“With the joint efforts of Wuhan and the national medical aid given to Hubei province, all cases of Covid-19 in Wuhan were cleared as of April 26,” Mi Feng, a spokesman for the National Health Commission said on Sunday afternoon.

The announcement came only one day after the city discharged the last patient who had been in a severe condition. That patient also was the last severe case in Hubei province.
saw here posts about milk recently so I comment: Jura can't digest milk, I'd throw up if I drank a glass, LOL now but it's not a joke!
I like cakes containing
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originally came to post
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less optimistic
Coronavirus infects China-US relations as blame game over pandemic intensifies
  • The global health crisis has killed tens of thousands of people, battered economies and put a severe dent in Beijing’s relations with other countries
  • In the face of a possible global backlash, Chinese President Xi Jinping said the country must be prepared for unprecedented external adversity and challenges
the link is
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Updated 11:36 PM ET, Sun April 26, 2020

contains an ironic sentence
But Covid-19 has shown how essential the virus hunters' work is and it has now received a six-month extension worth $2.26 million, according to a press release by UC Davis.
anyway I'd have to read the article again to maybe get it, but have to leave right now
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  • The National Republican Senatorial Committee sent GOP campaigns a 57-page messaging strategy that urged Republican candidates to blame China for the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a document obtained by
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  • The memo said candidates should blame their opponents for not being tough on China and called for them to reject claims that calling COVID-19 the "Chinese virus" is racist.
  • The document, created by strategist Brett O'Donnell, said candidates should not defend the president's handling of the pandemic, and to pivot to blaming the Chinese government if Trump's response is questioned.
  • The NRSC distributed the report but did not commission it, according to Politico.
The National Republican Senatorial Committee sent GOP campaigns a 57-page document that urged them to blame China for creating the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the memo, published Friday by
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A "short version" of the plan listed at the beginning of the document outlines how Republican senatorial candidates should refer to the pandemic.

"China caused this pandemic by covering it up, lying, and hoarding the world's supply of medical equipment," the document, which had been created by Virginia-based political communications firm Brett O'Donnell & Associates, read."China is an adversary that has stolen millions of American jobs, sent fentanyl to the United States, and they send religious minorities to concentration camps."

It directed candidates to charge their Democratic opponents with being "soft on China" and failing to "stand up to the Chinese Communist Party." It says they should tell voters they will "stand up to China" by bringing manufacturing jobs to the US and by pushing for sanctions on China for "its role in spreading this pandemic."

The memo, sent on April 17, according to Politico, tells candidates to avoid defending the president's criticized handling of the pandemic, except for a directive to remind voters of the president's decision at the end of January to
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. Rather than defending the president, it says the GOP candidates should pivot to offering criticism of China.

The president — and other Republican leaders — have
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or the "Wuhan virus," despite being denounced as racist as the disease has impacted every continent around the globe. The virus has infected more people in the US than any other nation, according to
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of the term, though he has insisted on multiple occasions that there is nothing wrong with the rhetoric.

"In fact, everyone was referring to this as the Wuhan virus before China decided to push its propaganda," the memo reads. "Whatever you want to call this virus, China is responsible. It's more important to hold China accountable and prevent this from happening again than it is to be politically correct."

It said candidates should explain "no one is blaming Chinese Americans," if they were asked whether such rhetoric was racist.

"This is the fault of the Chinese Communist Party for covering up the virus and lying about its danger. This caused the pandemic and they should be held accountable," candidates were told to say.

There has been a reported
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across the US as the novel coronavirus virus, which is believed to have first appeared in Wuhan, China at the end of last year, has spread.

According to Politico, advisers to the president have said polling has indicted that attacks on China could prove an effective strategy for his re-election campaign. Pro-Trump super PAC America First Action created advertisements that
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, to China, Politico noted.

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accused the president of "rolling over for the Chinese," which prompted claims that the former vice president was also evoking racist and xenophobic rhetoric in his campaign to oust Trump.

The NRSC did not commission the document, it only distributed it to its members, according to the report.

"We routinely send campaigns different documents and sources of information dozens of times per week. That's the role of the party committee, especially in these volatile times," an NRSC spokesman told Politico.

Neither the NRSC nor Brett O'Donnell, the President of O'Donnell and Associates, responded to Business Insider's request for comment.

Here is the full text. See Page 17.

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Junior Member
Another milestone is reached officially Wuhan ended the pandemic with the release of the last patient and no new cases recorded in the last 5 days. they were lockdown for 76 days
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Wuhan declared free of Covid-19 as last patients leave hospital after months-long struggle against coronavirus
Zhuang Pinghui
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13 hours ago

Wuhan declared free of Covid-19 as last patients leave hospital after months-long struggle against coronavirus
The city of Wuhan, the initial epicentre of the coronavirus pandemic, no longer has any Covid-19 patients in hospital after the last 12 were discharged on Sunday.

Their release ended a four-month nightmare for the city, where the disease was first detected in December. The number of patients being treated for Covid-19, the disease caused by a new coronavirus, peaked on February 18 at 38,020 – nearly 10,000 of whom were in severe or critical condition.
“With the joint efforts of Wuhan and the national medical aid given to Hubei province, all cases of Covid-19 in Wuhan were cleared as of April 26,” Mi Feng, a spokesman for the National Health Commission said on Sunday afternoon.

The announcement came only one day after the city discharged the last patient who had been in a severe condition. That patient also was the last severe case in Hubei province.

great news! salute to the people of Wuhan! (correction: Wuhan has been free of new cases since April 4.)


Pardon my ignorance but why is having milk important aside from the obvious? Adults don't need to drink milk.

I have three kids, including two 3-year-olds.

While technically we can all survive on rice and beans, it's not exactly the zombie apocalypse out there.


Just to add, I am not a proponent of dairy milk because of the hormones, which I suspect causes allergies.
However, If this article is accurate, I was wrong for the wrong reason. It is not the hormones that causes allergies. I will still avoid the hormone though.

What caught my attention though was "Milk and dairy products are also pro-inflammatory and mucus producing, which increases risks in respiratory conditions and allergies.". Perhaps not the best time to be consuming a lot of milk. Just saying,

Actually, if you dig deeper, you will find lots of contradictory information. We usually drink organic milk so hormones aren't a concern, not that I think it's much of a concern in regular milk anyway.

Obviously if you're coughing, then avoid drinking milk, but in a healthy person, milk is not going to make you sick.

Most of the milk goes to the "babies", as they're still attached to getting a bottle before their nap and before going to bed at night. Normally they get 200 ml each before bed at night, but now that they're not going to daycare, they're getting an extra 200 ml before nap. That's 800 ml every day, or 5.6L a week, just for the two of them. So with 3 bags of 4L milk a week, that leaves 6.4L for the rest of us, 4 adults and 1 seven-year-old, for the entire week. I don't think that's much at all.


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
I have three kids, including two 3-year-olds.

Actually, if you dig deeper, you will find lots of contradictory information. We usually drink organic milk so hormones aren't a concern, not that I think it's much of a concern in regular milk anyway.

Canadian government does not allow Bovine Growth Hormone to be used in Canada (our scientists stood up for us under US industry pressures), so no worries about hormones.

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Apparently everyone is baking while staying at home, so much that stores have run out of yeast. So I looked up growing my own yeast, and learned about making a sourdough starter. You just need flour and water, and a quick daily maintenance.

We got some boneless lamb on our last grocery order. With the weather warming up but nowhere to go, it's the perfect time for some lamb-kebabs:
