Lieutenant General
I don't have a problem with China hiding information from the US because of exactly what Dr. Peter Dazsak explained in the video in this link. Of course they're going question Dazsak's credibility because he's not following the anti-China narrative first and only. The anti-China factions of the world are furiously angry how anyone can defend China after coronavirus. That's because someone like me don't want any one like them in control of the world. They don't care about what coronavirus has done in the world. They only care about using it to carry out their anti-China agenda. I wouldn't trust them investigating in China. They will lie and not seek the truth. Just like in the US they didn't realize how much coronavirus may have been in the US longer than they thought but as before they're stubborn not accept anything else which is why they were late to acknowledge anything outside of what they want to believe. Remember how it was not until the Chinese checked out EM drives that they begrudgingly looked into it where before the scientific community automatically rejected it because it simply defied the laws of Newton. They expect China to follow everything by how they do it even all the flaws because they have to look like they were right and not wrong. More and more you see the West adopting methods and technology to handle the coronavirus China used labelling it draconian. Their way cost more lives because they were outright intentionally avoiding anything China did just so they avoid giving China any credit. That's a leader everyone in the world wants... The US is still looking at South Korea as a model. That train has already left the station long ago.