On the topic of racism I think it's also important some of us remember a few obvious points. There are plenty of overly sensitive people around who will call the slightest provocation racist. Sometimes other people are just simplifying things out of convenience. Not everyone who calls this China coronvirus or Wuhan virus is doing it out of malice even if many actually do have those intentions. So let's not judge because the following point is more important.
This event has not "converted" more China-haters. They were always there, just with fewer reasons to be as vocal as they are today. The racists were always present and these sorts of events, whatever they may be, only exposes their presence because they feel obliged to bandwagon and speak up more confidently with their ignorance now. The fair minded individuals and the ones who are not quite as inclined have always been more rational and they understand how the haters and racists have incorrect or unfair points.
These events only make the genuine racism, ignorance, and intolerance more obvious to the reasonable and empathetic types. Would you rather win the support of reasonable, empathetic, and intelligent people or would you rather bother about some "war of superficial reputation" with the dimwits, ignorants, and hate-filled people who are that way inclined whether or not some mildly bothersome virus originated in China? They won't care that caucasians have had their fair history of zoonotic viral pandemics and so on. We already are aware of the presence of these sentiments and China hating.