Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


Junior Member
I'n not sure Australia is doing too hot at this moment. 6500 cases with a population of 25 million? The Republic of CHINA has a similar population but only 400 cases...

The Republic of CHINA is doing very well, indeed. I do hope they continue their success.

With 64 deaths


Junior Member
Registered Member
Not quite so simple, I'm afraid. It is the difference between China setting a trap and having it work too well (as your post implied) vs China warning everyone of a trap but seeing them step in it anyway.

Yes, if China is accused of setting up a trap, as SouthernSky seemed to have maybe implied or inferred, the real question is we need to explore the same standard of scrutiny in that regards to examine insofar as the possibility of a hostile nation potentially smearing or even framing China with a false-flag event of sorts. Just because the virus was first discovered in Wuhan does not mean it originated from China and it sure as heck doesn't prove it was either an accidental and/or intentional leak from the Wuhan labs as some prominent foreign senator was repeatedly sprouting from the getgo on day zero, to me the more likely scenario is that some powerful hostile nation set China into a trap and in hopes of turning world opinion against China is more like what really happened here.