Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)

Is this Doctor Anthony Fauci some sort of Joker?
This "scientist" already knows Covid-19 came from a wet market? WOW! Did anyone peer review his paper?
Global Really?

Doctor Anthony Fauci believes that there should be a global shut down of wet markets. The American physician and immunologist is one of the nation’s leading coronavirus pandemic experts.

“I think we should shut down those things right away,” Fauci said on the “
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” morning news show.

He continued: “It boggles my mind how when we have so many diseases that emanate out of that unusual human-animal interface, that we don’t just shut it down. I don’t know what else has to happen to get us to appreciate that…because what we’re going through right now, is a direct result of that.”

"and I think there are certain countries in which this is very common place. I want to see the rest of the world really lean with a lot of pressure on those countries that have that because what we are going through right now is a direct result of that."
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Lieutenant General
Has there been any reverse modeling of the coronavirus spread in China? I would think that would get an idea if China was telling the truth on numbers and possibly guess a ballpark when it started. When did China reached the flattening of the curve by numbers compared to all other countries that now have more cases than China and long did it take them to get there. China reached that number of cases and deaths first so they can't say China was manipulating the number to coincide. Was the time comparable? Trump and media are accusing China of faking the numbers. Well China handled the coronavirus better. Do they think the virus is still rampaging through China so the numbers have to be more? Wouldn't their journalists in China be reporting that? China couldn't contain the virus when it started but somehow they think China can hide it now if it's still spreading uncontrollably? They think China is still suppose to have more when they haven't even gotten a handle on the virus because that would mean the virus is still raging through China.

There have been plenty of such analysis, some already posted in this thread. But the very fact Trump and the American MSM isn’t presenting any kind of evidence to support their smear campaign should tell you all you need to know about where the facts stand. They have teams of paid full time researched dedicated to digging up dirt to support their party line narrative. If there was any actual evidence to support their blatant lies, you can bet your bottom dollar they would have plastered it over the front page of every paper they own long before now.

I take this latest move by Trump as another indicator of just how desperate he is getting in trying to shift focus and blame away from his own disastrous handling of the crisis.

Sadly, if he presses ahead with his pre-mature move to restart the US economy, things will get a lot worse fast. My guess is that he will start blaming the EU next, as the US outbreak actually happened because of spread from Europe, not China direct.
Chilled meat can be sold in wet market as well in co-existence with raw seafood like in Singapore. There is no need to ban it.

Sorry. I was being sarcastic and meant Frozen refrigerated mass-produced Meat as found in the supermarket. Not suggesting wet market should be banned. On the contrary, It should be accepted as part of one's culture, health, and better living both for us and the for humane treatment of animals.
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Registered Member
Is this Doctor Anthony Fauci some sort of Joker?
This "scientist" already knows Covid-19 came from a wet market? WOW! Did anyone peer review his paper?
Global Really?

Doctor Anthony Fauci believes that there should be a global shut down of wet markets. The American physician and immunologist is one of the nation’s leading coronavirus pandemic experts.

He said Covid risk to Americans was low and that people should behave like it was the flu until sometime in March.

Goes to show that they’re all pushing blame onto China to deflect from their own arrogance.


Registered Member
It is not a question of everyone believing what they say. Only enough American voters have to believe them. I think that will work.
US CDC, FDA, and NIH are world leaders on their own and spread their own tentacles across the world like the FAA. They’re part of that “deep state” that doesn’t care about the voters.

Whether or not they take things seriously also guides decision making in other countries.
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