Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


Lieutenant General
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I'm a little bit (about one-hundred hours) late with the Taiwan story
actually only now noticed through
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That is absolutely rubbish and frankly I'm surprised that media are still running with this story.


The Taiwan MOFA is claiming that patients who are "isolated" = confirmation of H2H transmission, which is blatantly false. For patients who have a new unknown infection it is absolutely normal to isolate them because we do not know if what their H2H transmission status is, therefore they are isolated as part of normal procedure.

China conveyed to the WHO those exact same details among other information on December 31st.


The idea that patients being in isolation equates to confirmation of H2H transmission is utter rubbish and claiming that the WHO did not properly discharge their duty based on this notion is frankly deceitful and false.
I'm not sure what kind of game Taiwan's government is playing, but their very own email that they purport as "evidence" has just exposed how untrue their own original argument was.
now a strong story from here:

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the footage inside shows a 53 years old on the verge of crying, but who wouldn't be under the circumstances which are he was saved from COVID-19, after being in critical condition and
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was obtained for him and given to him ("provisionally approved" -- the last chance for that guy)

he thanks the personnel (how they were frequently coming etc.) and expresses admiration for them (how they risk lives etc.)

his case has been closely followed also because he was the first infected person in the country to end up in a hospital WITHOUT an apparent connection to Italy (he's a taxi driver in Prague), so mitigation efforts began very soon after his hospitalization on March 10, and I'm really sorry I personally thought he wouldn't make it
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the Taiwanese write-up 發佈日期 2020/4/11 is
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What in the email has not conveyed already? WHO was informed before getting the email. People are isolated to determine if they got infected. Nothing in the email provided any meaningful evidence to back up Taiwan's claim. Basically, it is a complete nonsense of Taiwan and to some extent the US and an attempt to frame the WHO and China. I have reread multiple times and just can't find anything. It is pure an insult of people intelligent to put this into news and made such bizarre statement.


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
What in the email has not conveyed already? WHO was informed before getting the email. People are isolated to determine if they got infected. Nothing in the email provided any meaningful evidence to back up Taiwan's claim. Basically, it is a complete nonsense of Taiwan and to some extent the US and an attempt to frame the WHO and China. I have reread multiple times and just can't find anything. It is pure an insult of people intelligent to put this into news and made such bizarre statement.
You know what they say about lies: repeat it a hundred times and it will become the truth. Taiwan province is pissed that it can‘t join WHO as a country so it is trying to destroy it


I think there are many "measurement errors":
  • Corona dead are not recognized and counted as such.
  • People who would have died now anyway are counted as corona dead (there are corresponding indications from Hamburg, where all Covid 19 victims are autopsied).
In addition, the flu wave has come to an earlier end due to the rules of social distancing - there are fewer flu deaths this winter.

There are fewer deaths from traffic accidents.

But people die who have not gone to hospital for treatment needed for fear of Covid-19 infection or whose treatment has been postponed.

Some effects will cancel each other out, others will slightly falsify the numbers. They do this in a similar way in all states.

We will see numbers that are no longer correct when the pandemic unfolds in the third world. I don't think every victim will be counted then.
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is a very factual and plausible explanation of the US death statistics (there are a lot of normal thinking people in the US):
"[...] Pneumonia and influenza deaths are included to provide context for understanding the completeness of COVID-19 mortality data and related trends. Deaths due to COVID-19 may be misclassified as pneumonia or influenza deaths in the absence of positive test results, and these conditions may appear on death certificates as a comorbid condition. Thus, increases in pneumonia or influenza deaths may be an indicator of excess COVID-19-related mortality. Additionally, estimates of completeness for influenza or pneumonia deaths may provide context for understanding the lag in reporting for COVID-19 deaths, as it is anticipated that these causes would have similar delays in reporting, processing, and coding. However, it is possible that reporting of COVID-19 mortality may be slower or faster than for other causes of death, and that the delay may change over time. Analyses to better understand and quantify reporting delays for COVID-19 deaths and related causes are underway. The list of causes provided in these tables may expand in future releases as more data are received, and other potentially comorbid conditions are determined."

We are now in calendar week 16 according to the European counting method, do not know whether this also corresponds to the American counting method.
  • in week 11 only 1% of the deaths were caused by Covid-19.
  • in week 12 it was 4%
  • already 9% in week 13
  • and in week 14 it is 12%, whereby only a quarter of the expected reports are documented here.
In two months we will know better what impact Covid-19 has on the death toll.


As of speaking, global confirmed cases has surpassed 2 million cases.
Last updated: April 15, 2020, 07:14 GMT
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Coronavirus Cases:
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Lieutenant General
Has there been any reverse modeling of the coronavirus spread in China? I would think that would get an idea if China was telling the truth on numbers and possibly guess a ballpark when it started. When did China reached the flattening of the curve by numbers compared to all other countries that now have more cases than China and long did it take them to get there. China reached that number of cases and deaths first so they can't say China was manipulating the number to coincide. Was the time comparable? Trump and media are accusing China of faking the numbers. Well China handled the coronavirus better. Do they think the virus is still rampaging through China so the numbers have to be more? Wouldn't their journalists in China be reporting that? China couldn't contain the virus when it started but somehow they think China can hide it now if it's still spreading uncontrollably? They think China is still suppose to have more when they haven't even gotten a handle on the virus because that would mean the virus is still raging through China.


Countries that, like China, react to the spread of the virus also manage to flatten the curve, as in China. Everything that is happening in China is plausible. Everything that happens in the US or UK is also plausible. Everything was always predictable several weeks in advance.

If measures are ordered in a country to slow down the spread of the virus but these measures do not work, it is due to the lack of implementation.

If measures are taken with maybe 10 infections per 1 million inhabitants, they will take effect in 3 weeks. If you hit 100 infections, they will work in 4 weeks. If they are only hit after 1000 infections, you have to wait 5 weeks for the effects.

Therefore: act early, then you have the situation under control. Best examples: China and the USA.
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