Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


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Yes, you are right. HEPA filters are not able to block out virus but don’t be too concern. Air handling units fitted with HEPA are always in a plantroom away from human traffic and those meant for air supply to hospital operating rooms and other medical applications are restricted area and disinfected regularly.
Commercial HEPA filters found for home application is only good for fust and pollen as mention equipment designed with fitted HEPA filters are expensive.
On a side note, someone mention we can do away with cooling and just control humidity,, sorry to say we can’t have one without the other.

I honestly do not care about the inability to filter out all the C19 viruses when I use my N95 or pitta mask or surgical or even cloth mask.
A few virus might get through even with N95 . I take my chances with those.

What I really care about and scared shit about will be the droplets loaded with 200 to 400 thousands and more of C19.
Should that get into me, that will be like a thermo nuke going off in my sinus cavity or throat or lungs.

Even a simple cloth mask will be able to stop those droplets.

And for all I know, perhaps the few virus getting in might land on snot and bogger in nose and go no further (I have chronic sinusitis) . Or trigger my body response and help me when C19 hit me with power in future.


Registered Member
The quicker the world is lifted out of poverty, the better we can prevent future outbreaks. But right now the goal seems to be isolating China and sending it back to the dark ages.
Well, it's my goal to be the world's first trillionaire and I have better odds of achieving my goal than America does of achieving its. That horse has not only bolted, it travelled halfway around the world, had kids, those kids had kids, etc. and now we're on the sixteenth generation. Meanwhile, the owners of the farmhouse went bankrupt, migrated to some city, became homeless, and died of frostbite on some cold winter night. The barn the horse bolted from lay abandoned and fell to ruin. Is the analogy coming through here?

Words fail to convey the sheer absurdity and delusion of the what US wants and its fantastical overestimation of its capabilities and prospects.


I suspect the Trump administration has recognized that the U.S. is not regulated enough to protect all of its residents from Covid-19. That is why it will now act according to the motto "American elites first". The common people must soon live without the protection of social distancing and go back to daily work.
Covid-19 risk management worldwide:
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what is that, something like



Registered Member
I think, the more people it infects at the same time, the more dangerous it becomes.

If more people are infected, there are more opportunities for random mutations to happen - some of which make the virus more dangerous or infectious.

It also means more opportunities for different viruses to mix and create a new strain.