Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


Registered Member
Here's the racists reply from press briefing. As I sa8d earlier, he is seen as the commander-in-chief, the leader of the "free workd". A role model for others to follow. So if its ok for him to be DELIBERATE racists, then its ok for all racists to come out of the woodwork! Solarz you are indeed lucky to be on the other side. Chinese on the other side, please beware and take care!

moments ago I promised a Mod to limit my posts here to models like Today at 7:16 PM so ...

while my Saturday at 7:32 PM forecast was significantly overestimated for the last two days, Italian daily numbers are growing yet (
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Registered Member
I live in a small non-exicting town in a boring nothing ever happens part of the UK.

But at the local college where I work, we have decided to closed because we can't wait for indecision from Boris! Especally after we had our first fatality!


Registered Member
I'm speechless, I don't mind telling you guys, I've tears in my eyes. Right now these people had made me so proud to be Chinese.

When I first arrived in the UK, I have been told to keep your head down, work hard, but don't stand out and get picked upon.

Well now, I totally get it. I totally get our national anthem. "Stand up!" Stand up and be counted, be proud!



cases in the US has reached 6,233 by Tuesday (2300 GMT), according to JHU's Center for Systems Science and Engineering. All 50 states in the US have reported cases and 105 deaths have been reported across the country.

Curiously, the last state to report the first case of the virus is West Virginia, which is very near to the reported lab accident in August last year.

Is it by chance that West Virginia, which happened to be near the lab accident, is the last state to report the first case of the virus?

It's intuitive to think that a lab accident would cause a viral outbreak that would see an increase in cases but this happened August last year and so one would expect herd immunity would have already been built (for what thought to be a pneumonia-causing disease), that would mean no cases or few cases for the current outbreak.

Of course, this is all hypothesis with no proof at this time and it might well be by chance that West Virginia is the last to report a case and only one case so far.

Then again, this can only be proven with the availability of the virus antibody test and an investigation (if there ever be one) actually carried out in the states to see the distribution of immunity in the country.


Lieutenant General
Actually, China should be worried if America take the high ground and help every country that asked for help with aids such as medical supplies, doctors, logistics, finance, better trade conditions, solidarity etc. etc. This is perfect time for US to win over countries away from China and to solidify US relations with its allies.

Not with Trump in office but if he loses in November who knows with Biden. The Europeans especially now certainly would rather have a Democrat in the White House.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Here's the racists reply from press briefing. As I sa8d earlier, he is seen as the commander-in-chief, the leader of the "free workd". A role model for others to follow. So if its ok for him to be DELIBERATE racists, then its ok for all racists to come out of the woodwork! Solarz you are indeed lucky to be on the other side. Chinese on the other side, please beware and take care!

We should all boycott Trump & his family business ,and encourage others to do so.
Once he is out of office, China should ban all his business there.
Same goes for the two Mikes, Pompeo and Pence, in case they switch over to business world later on.


Registered Member
More heros welcome in every part of the country. Police escorts and salutes from everyone. The logistics alone must be a challenge.

The medics are drawn from all corners of the middle kingdom! And now the heros are returning back to the provincial home towns. I just loved what's written on the side of one of the coaches. Its simple, and straight to the point. 歡迎英雄回來家!yes welcome home, heros!

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