Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


Lieutenant General
This doesn't represent all of them, but it is still nasty, racist and disgusting. They had time to plan this out and knew exactly what they were doing. So my question is, where all the MSM "human rights" mouth piece at on this?

Racist ‘Corona Time’ Photo of Students in Asian Costumes Prompts Outcry
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A picture of high school students dressed up in racist costumes (some of them intentionally slanting their eyes in a direct mockery of Asian culture) and holding a “Corona Time” sign has prompted an outcry across the world. The picture in question was taken of high school students in Belgium, and posted to the school’s official Instagram and Facebook accounts. The photo has been removed from both accounts. A campus director has since addressed the photo in a brief statement, in which he apologized for the picture.

In the photo, 19 students are pictured dressed in men and women’s stereotyped Asian outfits, with two of them wearing panda costumes. One girl in the second row can be seen slanting her eyes intentionally and laughing. The boy holding the “Corona Time” sign can be seen wearing blue latex gloves, in a direct nod to the coronavirus that has infected over 100,000 people around the world.

That school, Campus College Waregem, has since deleted the photo — but not before several people screenshotted the racist imagery and shared it with others.


"the engineer"
It's not a fetish. Influenza, absolutely, 100%, without a doubt, as a matter of fact, becomes sluggish in the summer. Nothing absolutely dies off. Very few people do get flu in the summer. However, we don't have a flu season in the summer. Lab works all around the world show convincing and consistent data that influenza and other known Coronaviruses love low temperatures less than 10oC, die off more easily at >20oC, die off quickly at high temperatures >50oC. Even COVID-19 has been shown, in the lab, to survive the best at 6oC and die more quickly as temperature goes up. Those are facts.

Again, I acknowledge that we still have no conclusive data on the COVID-19, as an outbreak, on the dependence of temperature. Later on, it may even be possible that clinical data show that the COVID-19 doesn't care about the hot weather. However, assuming such possibility is definitely not a fetish. This is because other Coronaviruses and flu do HATE hot weather (this is a FACT). Because of the high similarity between the COVID-19 and other Coronaviruses and flu, it is then a simple logical extrapolation that the COVID-19 may behave in a similar fashion. We may be proven wrong later, but that shouldn't be the basis for ridicule.
Is there a lower limit for killing the virus? It is currently -15C in Calgary, going to hit -30C tonight. Any virus outside will probably die in hours??


"the engineer"
This doesn't represent all of them, but it is still nasty, racist and disgusting. They had time to plan this out and knew exactly what they were doing. So my question is, where all the MSM "human rights" mouth piece at on this?

Racist ‘Corona Time’ Photo of Students in Asian Costumes Prompts Outcry
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A picture of high school students dressed up in racist costumes (some of them intentionally slanting their eyes in a direct mockery of Asian culture) and holding a “Corona Time” sign has prompted an outcry across the world. The picture in question was taken of high school students in Belgium, and posted to the school’s official Instagram and Facebook accounts. The photo has been removed from both accounts. A campus director has since addressed the photo in a brief statement, in which he apologized for the picture.

In the photo, 19 students are pictured dressed in men and women’s stereotyped Asian outfits, with two of them wearing panda costumes. One girl in the second row can be seen slanting her eyes intentionally and laughing. The boy holding the “Corona Time” sign can be seen wearing blue latex gloves, in a direct nod to the coronavirus that has infected over 100,000 people around the world.

That school, Campus College Waregem, has since deleted the photo — but not before several people screenshotted the racist imagery and shared it with others.
And mean while Belgium ordered all cafes, restaurants and bars to close. Might start begging for medical supplies by next week. Wonder if China will bother to respond, or just cc the image back


Junior Member
Registered Member
Come on! Stop believing the hype. Ordinary people don't have issues with anyone from China, be it individuals or government, helping any other country in need of help. Including the USA.

What we have beef with, is that when China was in need of help, some of these countries are less than willing, with some even go as far as putting an embargo on "essential" supplies such as masks, etc!

That's not humanity!
I was referring to some people back home in China taking issue with helping countries that had basically laughed as the house was burning. Can't say I blame them. Thankfully those voices didn't get traction. I'm sure whatever's sent would be accepted very gratefully - it's incredibly shocking the situation over in the US right now. I'm also glad that China's taking the high road in all this, some media pokes aside.


Registered Member
This doesn't represent all of them, but it is still nasty, racist and disgusting. They had time to plan this out and knew exactly what they were doing. So my question is, where all the MSM "human rights" mouth piece at on this?

Racist ‘Corona Time’ Photo of Students in Asian Costumes Prompts Outcry
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A picture of high school students dressed up in racist costumes (some of them intentionally slanting their eyes in a direct mockery of Asian culture) and holding a “Corona Time” sign has prompted an outcry across the world. The picture in question was taken of high school students in Belgium, and posted to the school’s official Instagram and Facebook accounts. The photo has been removed from both accounts. A campus director has since addressed the photo in a brief statement, in which he apologized for the picture.

In the photo, 19 students are pictured dressed in men and women’s stereotyped Asian outfits, with two of them wearing panda costumes. One girl in the second row can be seen slanting her eyes intentionally and laughing. The boy holding the “Corona Time” sign can be seen wearing blue latex gloves, in a direct nod to the coronavirus that has infected over 100,000 people around the world.

That school, Campus College Waregem, has since deleted the photo — but not before several people screenshotted the racist imagery and shared it with others.

I was disgusted with this, and posted this a few days earlier, but no one here seem to be as disgusted as I was, so this racists slur died with a whimper!


Registered Member
Is there a lower limit for killing the virus? It is currently -15C in Calgary, going to hit -30C tonight. Any virus outside will probably die in hours??

Wow! I would never complain again of how bad or cold my home town is! -30c. is beyond my comprehension!

As I understand it, the cold doesn't kill virus. They can survive at extremely low temperatur, organism can survive in outer space with near absolute zero temperature.


Is there a lower limit for killing the virus? It is currently -15C in Calgary, going to hit -30C tonight. Any virus outside will probably die in hours??

The viruses should not like the extreme cold too much. They won't die and will become dormant at extreme low temps. We typically keep our bacteria, viruses and mammalian cells at -80oC. For long term keeping, we keep them in liquid nitrogen, which is around -200oC. At that kind of low temps, they suspend all activities but still stay alive just fine. The trick is of course how to revive them back to 37oC. that's a bit tricky...

With that being said, as the entire northern hemisphere is warming up, the virus is moving north. As the south is becoming too hot for the virus, the north is slowly getting into a temperature zone ideal for the virus. So watch out, the virus is going your way...

Once the entire northern hemisphere becomes too hot, the virus will move to the southern hemisphere, which is in winter. Thats how flu goes around the world yearly.