Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


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本土病例119例 new symptomatic cases (Sichuan 四川13例 Guizhou 贵州56例 and Tibet 西藏13例 and Heilongjiang 黑龙江5例)

本土625例 new asymptomatic cases (Guizhou 贵州73例 and Ningxia 宁夏205例 and Tibet 西藏132例 and Heilongjiang 黑龙江82例 and Sichuan 四川20例 and Xinjiang 新疆10例)


Registered Member
China has more than 10 oral drugs for COVID-19 in the pipeline.

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China may start to give 4th and 5th jabs.
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I guess they really really need Chinese tourists. Starting Oct. 11, Japan will abandon its discriminatory practice against Chinese vaccines that are on the emergency-use list of WHO.

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I hope next to no Chinese tourists choose to visit Japan following this


Registered Member
I guess they really really need Chinese tourists. Starting Oct. 11, Japan will abandon its discriminatory practice against Chinese vaccines that are on the emergency-use list of WHO.

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Yup they badly need those precious I had a lot of travelers wishing to visit Japan this DEC and they are willingly to have a Rapid Test and any bureaucratic annoyances instead of injecting themselves with Western Vaccines boosters as mandated by Japan.


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本土病例106例 new symptomatic cases (Guizhou 贵州38例 and Guangdong 广东18例 and Tianjin 天津13例 and Tibet 西藏5例 and Sichuan 四川5例 and Heilongjiang 黑龙江9例)

本土526例 new asymptomatic cases (Guizhou 贵州58例 and Ningxia 宁夏189例 and Tibet 西藏85例 and Heilongjiang 黑龙江73例 and Sichuan 四川15例 and Xinjiang 新疆10例)


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
Its damned if you do (western vaccine), and damned if you don't (unvaccinated).

I kinda wished I remained unvaccinated and gotten a Sinovac in Serbia or something.
Vaccine of any type is better than unvaccinated. The rise in deaths in Europe can be attributed to fact that vaccines do not have 100% uptake among total population and vaccine efficacy wanes over time, which particularly affects vulnerable population.


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本土病例97例 new symptomatic cases (Guizhou 贵州17例 and Guangdong 广东16例 and Tianjin 天津11例 and Tibet 西藏6例 and Sichuan 四川8例 and Heilongjiang 黑龙江13例)

本土625例 new asymptomatic cases (Guizhou 贵州80例 and Ningxia 宁夏176例 and Tibet 西藏66例 and Tianjin a天津61例 nd Heilongjiang 黑龙江54例 and Sichuan 四川17例 and Xinjiang 新疆28例)