Sounds like it's official!
It was from Academican Zhong Nanshan, I suppose you know about him.
Just in case someone don't know how important and convincing Zhong is:
Back in history, he almost single-handly saved this country from 2003 SARS.
In mid January, the Politburo was facing 2 contrast reports, one from scientists of CDC saying it's only limited H2H infective, the other from clinic doctors saying it's highly contagious.
Jan. 18, Academican Zhong was invited to pay a visit to Wuhan.
Jan. 19, he inspected hospitals.
Jan. 20, he declared this disease is "definately H2H contagious". The city was under quarantine before next sunrise. 57m ppl Hubei Province was locked down in 3 days.
Just imagine a man, his credibility reaches such an extent that after he makes a report to Washington, the decree to lockdown entire Michigan and Illinois is given before sunset.
When he says the origin of Covid-19 is mot the wet market, maybe not in China, I shall put a my bet on him.