They published the virus genome dna code, but what if there are more aggresive or deadly strains that either jumped/developed in parallel or later mutated or mutates. Any chance for a chrono virus strand to end up a civilization ender?
Well, think of it this way. We’ve been trying to target and kill cancer cells, genetically very vastly different from normal cells, for decades. We’ve spent trillions and trillions of dollars and countless bright minds have been tirelessly working on it. Yet, we still cannot do it. Nowadays, we can have pinpoint accuracy on which gene(s) a cancer patient has mutated. Yet, we still cannot do anything about it.
Now, let’s come back to viruses. Is it actually feasible to come up with something that can have such specificity to target only a single group? My answer would be a big NO.
A civilization ender only exists in sci-fi novels and movies. Keep in mind that we have evolved for billions of years, during which time we have been attacked by countless viruses and bacteria. And we, the modern human, are the offspring of the survivors of all those attacks. Our ancestors have given us immune systems well-equipped to defend against such attacks. Some will perish, yes. However, our civilization will continue to go on.
Also, every time our cells divide, they introduce some small variations. So our genes are different enough that we will have plenty people who will be comfortably handle certain kind of viral and/or bacterial attacks. Our genomes contain enough variations to handle exactly this kind of situation. So as a group, we will be fine.