People who immigrated to the west becomes like western elitists attitude. They readily assumes that poverty is caused by laziness, their countries culture inferior hence the need to expunge whatever identity or association they have with their previous culture. The attitude to assimilate becomes so severe that it seeks to pro-create with the countries and culture they have exalted and admired like gods and goddesses.
Take the Filipino culture of mano po to their elderly the moment any Filipinos decides to settle in any western countries that practice is gone out of the window. Then ironically the same parents who are more than proud to prance their half breeds or kids that are foreign born they begin to lament how their kids don't have the "Filipino values" or doesn't know how to speak whatever local dialect they hail from.
This phenomenon isn't strictly Filipino issues but an issue within the Chinese diaspora that are settled in the west which is why the most woke of them all are usually the female Asians because amongst the two Asian genders it's the females that often get to be accepted for many obvious reasons most of us that are males are infinitely aware of. And for Asians that are settled in the west (America, Canada) they would know what am talking about.
The need for China to succeed and break the yoke of perpetual Anglo-Saxon created narrative must be broken, and only until then where people and countries in Asia can decide for themselves the path to their respective successes without being burdened, impeded, blocked by Western led elites, institutions, that are currently sucking the blood of our respective countries.