Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


Registered Member
LOL okay. Apparently my post was so threatening it deserved to be deleted. If it was complete nonsense it would be better to let it stand, no? But anybody living in a red state in the US (and many in blue) states know that your take is patently false. The state I live in locked down maybe two weeks at the beginning. Businesses were more restricted, but you could still go out and everything. For all intents and purposes, it's almost back to normal. The local activist mayor thought they'd re-institute a mask mandate and the state gov shut that nonsense down. Many people I know have had Covid. With one exception it was either equal to a common cold or a mild flu.
It's sad that a country that so prides itself on human rights and protecting the individual now downplays and seeks to sweep those 900,000+ avoidable individual deaths under the rug


Registered Member
Who's trying to sweep them under the rug? On the contrary, I think the country responsible for starting the whole mess should get a bill for the cost of the pandemic.
The US is downplaying their deaths, with arguments like "people die of flu all the time". TBH, the main spreaders of covid were Europe and US. In Australia, the first wave was approximately 45% US strain, 45% European strain, 10% Chinese strain. Given the lax measures that the first 2 regions adopted and poor citizen response (covid is a hoax, masks bad) it then spread like wildfire across the world.


Registered Member
Who's trying to sweep them under the rug? On the contrary, I think the country responsible for starting the whole mess should get a bill for the cost of the pandemic.
LOL another idiotic take from the predictable lemming. You're going to blame China right? Good luck sucker. WWIII would be the end result. You think you can impose your shit on us again ala OPIUM WAR 2.0 you must be nuts.


New Member
Registered Member
If it is started in China, China should be hit the hardest right? So what if it started in China? China had brought them under control long time ago. It is the western inability to control the virus that drag the whole world down. Remember all the variants doesnt happened in China. The whole world has a chance to stop at Gamma or even Delta, but the western politicking and half-assed control that let the virus drag on for far too long. And who supplies the most vaccines in the world, don't give bullshit reasons that those vaccine is inferior to western vaccines, which sucks just as much.