I had to look out of my window when I saw that. I expected it to rain frogs or something.Wow, New York Time letting the truth slip out, someone should be fired for this!
Original article:
I had to look out of my window when I saw that. I expected it to rain frogs or something.Wow, New York Time letting the truth slip out, someone should be fired for this!
Original article:
I had to look out of my window when I saw that. I expected it to rain frogs or something.
On wrapping up, the reporter did faithfully asked the the soul search question "But at what cost?". The 5G network gears are likely from Huawei. They presumably run the latest AI algorithm from SenseTime. Both companies have been alleged of being controlled by the CCP government. The AI program must have detected the phrases that are prohibited by CCP which is well-known for not being transparent. It has never said what words and phrases are banned online. We assume "But at what cost?" is on the very long list. The AI algorithm is very scary. It removed the reporter's words, without being noticed, from the audio and video streams before they reached us in this side of world.
You forgot to add Uyghur genocide and Olympics bad, it's a must add on any msm report about ChinaLet me put on the fake NED hat and spin it around for them:
Does this look close enough to being CNN?
What type of vaccines are they using now?
What type of vaccines are they using now?
What type of vaccines are they using now?
Mostly mRNA, some Astra-Zeneca. For Japan, it is only mRNA. Both Japan and Korea are in a bad shape right now. So mRNA can't stop Omicron infections.What type of vaccines are they using now?